Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Kinky shopper KOed by vibrating knickers
from the "truth is always funnier than fiction" dept.
By Lester Haines
The following cautionary tale must surely rate in the top five of "most embarrassing things that can happen to you in public - ever". According to UK tabloid the Sun, a 33-year-old Welsh housewife ended up in hospital after wearing Ann Summers vibrating Passion Pants to her local Asda supermarket in Swansea.
Unfortunately, she became "so aroused by the 2½-inch vibrating bullet inside that she fainted" then "fell against shelves and banged her head". This prompted the attendance of the paramedics who "found the black leatherette panties still buzzing". Having disabled the orgasmatronic underwear, they then whisked the senseless shopper to hospital where she made a complete recovery. Staff handed her back the Passion Pants upon discharge, discreetly concealed in a plastic bag.
To its credit, the Sun does not name the woman. We assume, however, that she will be shopping at her local Tesco for the next ten years or so, or until everyone in the Asda who witnessed her ordeal is dead or has succumbed to total amnesia - whichever comes soonest.
For the record, Ann Summers notes that Passion Pants are "Not for internal use". Now we know why. ®
Thanks to all those members of the neoLuddite Resistance Army who have written in to suggest that this is in fact another manifestation of the Rise of the Machines™. The elimination of the female of the species through vibrating panties? It's a chilling thought, but what a way to go...
By Lester Haines
The following cautionary tale must surely rate in the top five of "most embarrassing things that can happen to you in public - ever". According to UK tabloid the Sun, a 33-year-old Welsh housewife ended up in hospital after wearing Ann Summers vibrating Passion Pants to her local Asda supermarket in Swansea.

To its credit, the Sun does not name the woman. We assume, however, that she will be shopping at her local Tesco for the next ten years or so, or until everyone in the Asda who witnessed her ordeal is dead or has succumbed to total amnesia - whichever comes soonest.
For the record, Ann Summers notes that Passion Pants are "Not for internal use". Now we know why. ®
Thanks to all those members of the neoLuddite Resistance Army who have written in to suggest that this is in fact another manifestation of the Rise of the Machines™. The elimination of the female of the species through vibrating panties? It's a chilling thought, but what a way to go...
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Whether this is simply a hoax, or whether it is the sad
ramblings of a mentally ill woman - one thing is for
certain: it is certainly one of the most unique resumes /
life stories I have ever come across. Long and rambling,
I have highlighted the things that really struck me, for
your viewing ease. Worth a look, I think !
PRODIGY IN MANY FIELDS. Perhaps I rank historically among
the 50 or 100 most intelligent and talented people in the
most fields ever. More high abilities in more
different fields than anyone in last 50 years. Fair,
beautiful face and figure, blond, brunette,
redhead, green eyes, 5'8", American.
Former child prodigy in many fields. More high
abilities in more different fields than anyone in last 50
years. IQ perhaps c 180. Based on amazing
abilities suitable for international competition in and
impact on and work in numerous fields from an early age,
I should be rich and in Who's Who and the Social
Register and have many known major credits. In
early 1982 I told a classmate of my father in Virginia
that I had been described as a genius at large
in the early 1970's. I have never known
anyone as intelligent as I am. I have by far the
best memory of anyone I ever encountered. I have
intellectually one upped experts in fields I have never
studied, had little interest in, and had little knowledge
of; I have done this since an early age. I think I
comprehend high intelligence better than anyone.
I am currently unemployed, impecunious;
all of my invaluable unique possessions
including several thousand pounds of personal effects
plus two cars, my writings, files, my parents' files,
press clippings about me, my modeling books, c 1000
books; my address book listing well known,
important, relatives, acquaintances, business
connections; my records, etc. were stolen by
others, most of whom are listed in the Crime and
Malice section below.
The New York City government, the crooked New York City
Police Department, New York State agencies, the FBI, the
DOJ in Washington, DC, etc., have never replied to my
many bitter complaints. All of the people named as crooks
below directly illegally maliciously schemed against me,
some for many years. Anyone who is willing to state that
they know who committed the thousands of
illegalities against me in New York City primarily but
also in the DC area 1982 on, will state where my
possessions are, who stole them, who was
illegally eavesdropping on my resident
phone, who was illegally calling behind my back
people they illegally heard me talking to on my residence
phone and without my permission or knowledge from 1982 on
in New York City, who set up the malicious and nasty
incidents with others and persuaded others to go along
with their malicious schemes, including the absurb bs at
Allen, White & Case, with Gunnar Theel, Jack Macidull,
etc., 1989-1990, contact me.
Photo below of Elizabeth Brady Cabot Winslow. 5/23/02
Last Revised: 9/29/02, bold faced, toward the end New
York, NY
Contact Information:E-mail:
elizabethbcwinslow@eudoramail.com; Homepage URL:
http://www.angelfire.com/ny4/rainer/index.html, through
Altavista type: Elizabeth Brady Cabot Winslow, hit enter.
Emergency Contact: Mr. Roger Hugh, London, England; born
in England, Oxford University graduate, c 1966, Wharton
School of Business student c 1969-1970, investment banker
at Loeb Rhoades c 1973.
GENERAL INFORMATION: Exceptional memory and mental
abilities including paranormal;
autodidact; independent projects on many
topics; activities include singing, dancing, piano,
creative writing, acting, art work. Creative polymath,
very high IQ, tested and performed exceptionally
brilliantly off and on from an early age and was
told from an early age by brilliant and professionals
that I had a brilliant future ahead of me due to my looks
and talents and brains. Ingenious, inventive,
original, analytical.
As child interviewed by media (not in USA). Due
to my looks I threw a major sports event when I walked in
(18 years old). I am the basis of a lead in several films
in late 1970's (one with Fred Astaire and Helen Hayes)
due to nefarious scheming by crooked relatives and my
then agent Paul Kohner; I was never credited. I
was a major force re and basis of and influential in
around seven years of major stories in a major newspaper
(not in New York City) c1970's to early 1980's; I was
never credited.
NOTE: see href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077536/">A Family
Upside Down look at the reference uder "trivia".
Before 1982 I had read more classics of world
literature than anyone ever by far and was one of the
best read ever. I am formerly rich, a
millionaire. Primarily from 1982 on (due to the death of
my father in early 1982), original intellectual property
of mine mostly from my pre-1982 projects in education,
intelligence testing, medicine, law, office procedures,
acting, comparative literature, nonfiction prose,
fiction, and many topics was stolen from me and
management, medicine, law, office procedures, personnel,
acting, comparative literature, nonfiction prose,
fiction, and other topics marketed by the crooks for
millions of dollars. The crooks never credited me or paid
me for anything. The material that was stolen was NOT
track in modeling and acting repeatedly from the early
1960's until 1982. I was close to being famous and very
successful more than once.
1940's-1970's, autodidact, dance, ballet, operatic
quality singing, classical piano, acting, art.
Inventions. Often plagiarized. Solo independent
original publishable projects, research and notes on very
many topics, including literature, arts, sciences,
humanities, business, psychology, mythology, medicine,
law, economics, physics, military, philosophy, genealogy,
education. Horseback riding, tennis, ice skating,
fishing, water skiing, skiing, swimming.
Author:(1950's-1982) poetry (some published), nonfiction,
nonfiction book on international man, short stories,
fiction; (1983-1987) a novel which I wrote as a vehicle
for me as an actress for a major film; crooks around me
in New York City did not want me to be successful or
rich, and they illegally prevented me from publishing
anything from 1983 on.
1970's-1982 until return to New York City
10/1982--experience in legal procedures and court
appearances, conservatorship, power of attorney,
matrimonial matters, wills, hospitals, psychiatric
hospitals, convalescent hospitals, medical insurance,
retirement homes, pensions. After 1982 due to crooked
meddlers almost all my intellectual productivity halted.
Late 1990's-2002 several nonfiction works including
Directory of Geniuses; Directory of Prodigies,
_Directory_of_Prodigies.html. This is a variation of
Directory of Living Prodigies, Living Prodigy Directory,
International Directory of Living Prodigies, Directory of
Prodigies, Prodigy Directory, International Directory of
BACKGROUND: I have lived in beautiful, lavish,
costly places and had and owned rare and valuable
possessions. I am an Army brat, a debutante in
New York City 1960; I was invited to be a debutante at an
international ball in Rome, summer 1959. I have lived c 7
years in Japan and Western Europe. I have belonged to the
DAR, Daughters of the Cincinnati (c 1968 on), Mensa
(1982-1983, 2000-2001), Episcopal Church, St.
Bartholomew's Community Club 1967-1974. I was the heiress
of Elita and Lowell Wadmond, former president of ABA,
senior partner of White & Case, on board of Metropolitan
Opera, in Who Was Who.
FAMILY: I am the descendent of and related to
historical, famous and prominent individuals and families
that go back perhaps several thousand years.
Father: Col. Hugh Whitaker Winslow, career Army
officer; mother: Elizabeth (Libby) Brady Ferguson
Winslow; brother: Hugh Whitaker Winslow, Jr.
Relatives and ancestors: Irish kings, European
nobility, Oliver Cromwell, Pres. Andrew Jackson, Nathan
Hale, Zane Grey, Jane Addams; families: Cabot
(Boston), Zane, Davenport. Alexander, Caldwell, Strong,
McCulloch, Clark, Whitaker, Winslow, Brockunier, Brady,
Putnam, Ferguson. Generals, US Congressmen,
pilgrams, patriots, pioneers, landowners, judges,
lawyers, manufacturers, writers, doctors, clergymen,
corporate executives, educators, clerymen. In
Who Was Who recently: cousin, high executive in Standard
Oil of NJ; cousin, Dean of Harvard Medical School;
godfather, investment banker; godfather, high ranking
military officer; uncle, publishing; uncle, founded
largest engineering firm in world in its field at one
been the associate or acquaintance of many famous, rich,
prominent, and brilliant people from an early
age- including a Watson of IBM, an Agnelli,
middle eastern royals, high ranking US military including
Air Force Chief of Staff and Chairman of Joint
Chiefs of Staff, famous movie stars and their spouses,
famous opera stars, famous Hollywood
personalities, prominent international
economists, governor of NY Stock Exchange, investment
bankers, film producers, agents for famous film directors
and writers and movie stars, prominent lawyers,
prominent US Senators and Representatives
including Chairman of House Foreign Affairs
Committee, prominent businessmen. 1960-1964
roommates included female Foreign Service Officers,
National Security Analyst, International Economist.
Secret Security Clearance, 1961-1962.
EDUCATION: Columbia, late 1940's.
Japanese School, Japan, early 1950's.
Greenwich Academy, Greenwich, CT, 1955.
Rosemary Hall, Greenwich, CT, Honor Roll, 1955-1958.
Coral Gables SHS, Coral Gables, FL, Honor Roll, Swimming
Team, top 15% of class, 1958-1959, HS Diploma, 1959.
The George Washington University, Washington, DC, Major:
International Relations, Minor: International Economics,
Dean's List, 1959-1961, 1962-1964, BA, 1964.
University of Paris, Paris, France, French Language,
summer 1964-1965 University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg,
Germany, German language and literature, 1965-1966, 1 on
final exam.
University of Poitiers, Tours, France, French language,
summer 1966.
Columbia University, New York, NY, English literature,
spring 1968.
New York University, doctoral candidate, comparative
literature, 2/3 courses, GPA 3.5, Dean's List,
Scholarships, 1968-1970.
Lee Strasberg, 1970.
HB, 1970-1974.
Weist-Barron, 1970.
Other studies: piano, singing, speech, acting, riding,
tennis, Japanese dancing
Languages: French, German, Latin, Italian,
Spanish, Japanese, Russian
EMPLOYMENT: US Department of State, Medical Division,
Washington, DC, receptionist, recommended by US
Representative Dante Fascell, summer 1960.
US Agency for International Development, Washington, DC,
clerk typist, secretary, spring 1961.
University of California LRL, Nevada Test Site, NV, sole
secretary/administrative assistant for the Mechanical and
the Electrical Engineering Departments during resumption
of nuclear testing, 1961-1961.
Sands Hotel, Las Vegas, NV, showgirl, summer
1963.Model agents for me: Dorian Leigh Parker,
Paris, France, 1964-1965. Wilhelmina, New York, NY,
1971-1972. Talents, Milan, 1972-1973. Gavin Robinson,
London, 1973; and other model agents in Europe and US.
Acting agents: Mort Schwarz, Ann Wright, Jane Broder, New
York, NY; ICM, Rome, 1973; Dale Garrick, LA, 1975-1977;
Paul Kohner, 1976-1977, LA McKinsey & Company, New York,
NY, associate editor-line and structural editing and
rewriting of management consultants' reports and
presentations, 1967-1968.
World Book Encyclopaedia, New York, NY, updater and
editor on previous articles on countries and sole
researcher and sole writer on new articles on additional
countries, 1968.
IBM World Trade, New York, NY, solo outside consultant to
top IBM World Trade management and solo researcher and
writer on assigned large international topics, the
results reviewed by the Director of IBM World Trade (I
was 27 to 28 years old), 1969, 1970.
Other employment: actress, spokewoman,
voiceovers, conventions, demonstrations, promotions,
reservationist for airlines, Las Vegas,
NV and New York, NY, 1961-1972.
Secretarial, word processing, administrative support,
proofreader, typist, encoder, typesetter, fax, telex,
data entry, dictaphone, fast long hand,
technical writing, financial research, legal secretary,
paralegal, as a temporary and part time employee often
through temporary agencies, New York, NY, 1984-1989,
Chemical Bank, American Express Co., Morgan Stanley,
Editor & Publisher, Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft, Finley
Kumble Wagner, Kelley Drye & Warren, Merrill Lynch & Co.,
Lehman Bros., Allen & Company, other law offices and
Computer programs used at work and in my apartment: Wang,
Atari, Displaywrite, Word Perfect, MS Office, and data
entry systems, 1984 on.
Crooks illegally tapped my residence and office
phones, illegally cut off my mail, watched me with
concealed surveillance that I could not locate in my
apartment, and illegally read my private non-published
material in my apartment, and stole and plagiarized and
assaulted, tailed, poisoned, and plagued me 1982 on in
Think tanks, research organizations, intellectually high
level organizations or companies or similar entities
would be appropriate, such as the Princeton
Institute, Watson Research Center, Rand.
I am probably one of the most intelligent and
talented ever. I should have spent my entire life among
the most brilliant living; most of my life I have been
surrounded by people very inferior to me. My careers have
been maliciously and criminally ruined by people around
me repeatedly. I have an idea for a new measurement of
intelligence. I have never taken a course on
this topic, but it is one of my many life long interests.
Both my parents were exceptionally brilliant,
imaginative, creative, and artistic.
I wrote a brief book late 2000 and copyrighted it but
cannot publish it; it is very relevant to the current
environment and should have been published. 2/2/2002
My resume is currently on America's Job Bank; it was on
Nevada, but I am changing it to New York. Since the US
Dept of Labor and state departments of labor provide the
site and the IRS perhaps has records of many of my jobs
and dates, I think I am validating my statements by
putting my resume on there.3/1/2002
I have not been hired when the workers and the
applicants were all or nearly all inferior to me
intellectually. According to the Encyclopaedia
of Human Intelligence in the charts for US Army testing
for WWI and WWII and the US Dept. of Labor statistics for
c 1970, the mean IQ and range of IQ's for most of the
jobs I did in New York City 1984-1993 were much lower
than my IQ; due to the fact that it has been very
hard if not impossible for me to get any job for about 11
years I wonder what the explanation for this is. In
addition, the people who considered me for jobs did not
ask important questions and did not do adequate fact
checking when considering me for employment. I mean, what
is going on? It appears that the public and
employers deliberately refuse to hire me because
they do not want me to have any money and want to
steal all my possessions and to force themselves on me
and that they want me to be defenseless and they
want to put me through the hoops and through their
contrived illegal often situations in order to
pick my mind for free.
Current Emergency: 2/19/02 12:37pm, Las Vegas, NV.
Recently my car was illegally seized and towed by
crooks who do not want me to have any money;
they were tracking me and knew I wanted to sell the car
to pay for storage and to leave Las Vegas and return to
New York City. They want to seize for nothing my
possessions now in storage here. Las Vegas is a
hostile, terrible, crooked environment; most of the
residents are blue collar; they have been overcharging me
since I got here and they do not want to hire me or pay
me for anything although I am smarter than most of those
they are hiring; they want me to be a cripple
and for me to receive Federal payments and Federal
housing payments so that I bring in money from outside
the state; they do not want to pay me any money. I do not
want to be a cripple or to be ripped off here and I want
to return to New York City immediately for urgent medical
problems and other reasons. I returned to New York City.
Pre 10/82
1958 Knappens caused my teenage brother to run away from
1960 theft of my clothes by Ruth
Timberlake Prokop and Daryll Quinn both of whom were my
guests at my debut in NYC.
1960 Ruth Timberlake got me thrown out of dormitory for
no good reason and through malicious false talk got me
thrown out of sorority by same tactics.
1962 - 1963 Giuseppe Morra made me severely ill
for a long time and bedridden, and I missed
college classes which hurt my academic career and I was
not back to normal for several years.
C 1968 Aunt Gorgianna Knappen almost killed me in
a car accident when she was driving and was
Late 1960's on Knappens engaged in severe defamation vs.
me and behind my back legal actions against me based on
deliberate lies; they maliciously caused severe trouble
and financial losses for my parents, contributed to
divorce and trouble between my parents. I had
been the heir of the Wadmonds off and on since the late
1970 on models, model agents, theatrical agents and
others stole material from me. 1970 on Aunt Georgianna,
Erwin Schaeffer, States Coyle, Cousin Ted and Aunt
Georgianna Knappen, and Katherine Laurelle illegally
ruined my career in different fields- modeling and
acting; Erwin Schaeffer attempted to completely end my
career in a field through illegal and nefarious means.
1970-1974 I was deliberately forced out of
housing due to Wadmonds, McCrareys and their
friend, Goddell, Leslie Feldman. Walter Scholz, Elita,
and others deliberately defamed me and conspired
to get me disinherited. Erwin Schaeffer, John
Moore, and Don Goddell set me up with harmful
Erwin Schaeffer, John Howell, and States Coyle illegally
tailed me, and they and Walter Scholz illegally
got confidential information regarding me and spread it
around, lied, and defamed my character to have me
disinherited. Those illegally meddling in my careers and
setting me up for robberies and squeezing me out of
housing illegally caused me to lose property I could not
replace or afford to lose. My cousin Polly
Knappen accused me as did her mother c 1970 that I
blacklisted her with McKinsey in Washington so she was
not hired; all completely lies.
The Knappens were so jealous of me and resentful
of my superior brains, looks, glamorous life, TV
appearances, beautiful pictures, etc, and were so vicious
tongued that I had to completely stop speaking to them or
having anything to do with them. Aunt Georgianna
and my cousins Ted and Nat and Polly Knappen worked on my
mother behind my back and were instrumental in
brainwashing her with Christian Science lies and
encouraged her to divorce my father and live with them
and pay them room and board out of her money from my
father in the early 1970's. And the Knappens got money
out of mother for witch doctor Christian Science
practitioners, which money came from my father.
Aunt Georgianna and Ted and Polly wrote vicious
hysterical letters and made similar phone calls to me and
my father. From the early 1970's on Aunt Georgianna,
Polly, Nat, and Ted Knappen wrote hostile, crazy,
completely untrue and vicious letters and made similar
phone calls for years to my father and to me and some to
my brother.
In the summer of 1970 the Wadmonds pressured me to leave
my furnished studio apartment, 138 E 37 St, to stay in
their Park Ave apartment in the tiny maid's room; I had
to get someone in my apartment to pay the rent on it, and
I then could not move back into my furnished apartment
and lost it.
Then I was maliciously booted around by a woman Dennis
McCrarey referred me to; I helped her paint her
apartment, I moved my furniture into her bare apartment
and paid for the move in 1970; with no warning or excuse
she suddenly forced me to move out; I had to pay for
another costly move and put my possessions in storage,
find another apartment, move again, and it cost a lot,
took a lot of time, and it disrupted my acting and
modeling career and caused financial losses and harm to
my career as an actress plus worsened my life style.
I moved into a smaller apartment that necessitated my
keeping most of my things in storage.
C 1972 Don Goddell set me up with a woman sleaze to live
in my furnished apartment while I was modeling in Europe;
she wrote me in Europe that she had left the apartment,
and I had to break modeling assignments to come back to
New York City to pack my possessions in my apartment,
store them, and I lost a lot of money, and this was very
costly, and I gave up the apartment before I returned to
Europe for modeling.
C 1973 robbery in Milan of my modeling book and
all my 1000 pounds of property including irreplaceable
writings and jewelry severely disrupted my very
successful modeling and acting career; probably this
robbery was set up by States Coyle or Erwin Schaeffer in
New York City. C 1974 Seth Baker in New
York City in a financially ruinous, devastating, severely
damaging theft for me stole a very valuable irreplaceable
heirloom from me. In Los Angeles in 1974 on, a
shady jerk, Walter Rosen Scholz referred to material in
my nonpublished notes I kept in my apartment and that I
never showed anyone and that he could only have known
about by having someone illegally get them and copy them
and read them; Walter also defamed my character and lied
maliciously about my past and contacted the Wadmonds in
New York City and lied to them; he also set me up
illegally in a sleazy attempt to extort funds from me; he
also approached my father and tried to pump him when my
father was not with me (c 1974-1978).
When I was in Los Angeles from c 1975 on the Knappens
went behind my back to my agents and employers and got me
thrown out and tried to get me thrown out and fired in
LA, and they maliciously contacted mother's nursing homes
and lied about us and caused trouble for me and my
Around 1975 when I and my parents were in Los Angeles and
the Knappens were still in Northern Virginia, the
Knappens without my knowledge or consent contacted a
Christian Science practitioner in Los Angeles, Katherine
Laurelle, who wanted my father to pay her, which he would
not; she called without my consent my acting agent and
caused trouble for me with him because she was a former
agent and she wanted me to leave the agency; I ended up
leaving the agency due to her poisoning of my agent's
Also, Laurelle was conspiring to have a film made about
me and my parents, a fil made with the Kohner agency,
which was my agency; she did this behind my back in order
to keep me out of the film, which I did not know about
until it was aired on TV.
My Aunt Georgianna Knappen flew out to Los
Angeles, went into my mother's hospital, poisoned the
minds of the staff, and conspired against me and my
father. Col. Robert Kreuter became a
co-conspirator, and he lied ("I have cancer of the
prostate") to me and my father, and he maliciously set up
my father in my presence in Los Angeles.
The Knappens were threatening to the lives of my parents;
I told the Knappens to leave us alone, and I changed our
nonpublished number again, and I took other steps to
defend us against them.
In Los Angeles Walter Scholz from 1975 on repeatedly set
me up without my knowledge or consent and tried to make
me pay him for services I had not agreed to. He also
called behind my back my agents and told them malicious
lies about me and infuriated them and one of them threw
me out. He also called the Wadmonds in New York and
dumped malicious lies about me and my parents on them. He
told me that he was rich and would be inheriting a lot
more soon.
In Los Angeles from 1975 on I was wrongly sued, falsely
accused by a court in LA, against which false charges I
cleared myself, probably due to the Knappens (Ted and Nat
are lawyers) who went behind my back and complained about
c 1976 Georgianna Knappen flew out to LA to land on my
sick mother's bed and to pump her and the nursing home
staff and then pass it on to my agent behind my back and
to contribute to films based on me and my parents, which
films were contrived behind my back and without my
knowledge or consent. Georgianne's, other Knappens', and
Katherine Laurelle's direct approach to my agent (Kohner)
caused me trouble and resulted in my leaving the agency c
C 1978 in LA I was assaulted from behind and
knocked down on my lawn where the assailant beat me, this
was probably set up by a member of the LAPD living in my
apartment complex or someone else who knew I was an
actress. An LAPD cop who was a lookalike for
someone I knew in LA knocked on the door of my apartment.
LAPD officers knocked on my door with another hoax
sending me on a false goose chase about a fake medical
alert pertaining to me.
Names of Malicious and Criminal Before 1982 (Dates of
Acquaintanceship and of Criminal Activities)
Baker, Seth H., international playboy, c 1974 owner
manager Manor Care, Towson, MD, c 1974-? managing ed Los
Angeles Magazine, New York, Los Angeles, Palm Springs;
Coyle, States Wm., Cornell Univ., BA, c1963, MBA Columbia
U, c 1969, marketing with Standard Brands, c 1970-1972,
NYC, London c 1973, c 1974 New York City and Los Angeles;
Ferguson, Uncle Wilson, insurance, Pinkerton
investigator, Penn State grad, NYC, died c 1977;
Fortucci, Paola, George Washington University graduate c
1962, Johns Hopkins post grad student, c1962, economist
IFC, Washington, DC, c 1963-1964?; Godell, Donald,
lawyer, Columbia University Law School graduate, ITT,
Community Club, St Bartholomew's, c1968-early 1970's,
NYC; Howell, John D., Life Mag., advertising, sales, c
1967-1968, NYC; Knappen, Georgianne, Aunt, Christian
Scientist, married to Theodore Knappen who was founder of
TAMS, lived in No. VA, 1960's on; Knappen, Cousin
Nathaniel, Vassar, BA and U of VA LLB, lawyer, worked in
NYC and Ithaca, NYC, late 1960's on; Knappen, Cousin
Theodore, lawyer, U of VA BA and LLB, lives in VA, vice
president of Greyhound in Washington, DC in 1970's,
1980's, 1990's, Christian Scientist, late 1960's on;
Knappen, Cousin Polly Knappen (married Randy Barnes),
Christian Scientist, BA Univ. of Penn., lived in MD,
worked in restaurants, retired, lived on a boat in
Baltimore, late 1960's on; Kohner, Walter, Paul Kohner
Agency, Los Angeles, CA., c1975-1978; LAPD c1977-1981;
Laurelle, Katherine, Christian Science practictioner, Los
Angeles, CA., c 1977-1978; Moore, John S,. lawyer,
Harvard BA, LLB Stanford, Park Sheraton, NYC, brother of
Robin Moore, 1973 on; Morra, Giuseppe, c1960-1964, editor
in World Bank, Washington, DC, GWU grad., 1960's on;
Prokop, Ruth Timberlake, c 1959-1964, BA & LLB GWU,
lawyer, Washington, DC; Quinn, Daryll, student, GWU,
Washington, DC, engaged to Russell Jones who was an
Annapolis student, c 1959-1960, 1960's on; Schaeffer,
Erwin, Schaeffer & Assoc, salesman KMart & Italian
sunglasses, NYC & Montreal, c 1967-1990's; Scholz, Walter
Rosen, BA Boston U, actor, producer, heir and relative of
founder of Caramoor, NYC & Los Angeles, c 1969-1990's;
Wadmond, Elita, wife of Lowell Wadmond, NYC, c
1967-1990's; Wadmond, Lowell, lawyer, White & Case, NYC,
c 1967-1990's; Wilhelmina, model agent, NYC, c 1969-1974.
After 1/82 (when my father died)
The new technology was already creating dangerous crooked
meddlers in Washington, DC, area in 1982 when crooked
meddlers with PCÂ's in their homes, university computer
staff, and others were doing strange illegal things with
the phone networking; 1982 in No. Virginia I was
set me up deliberately with physical assaults including
with deadly weapons, small boulders thrown at my head by
someone (probably set up by Knappens or Gary
Lynn Jordan).
In 1982 when I was living in an apartment in Arlington,
VA, a roommate set up a crooked racket on my phone; I had
to go to court as a consequence; I threw him out; I won
in court; but I think that someone else I knew had a hand
in setting up the phone rackets.
10/82- I fully owned all the possessions; I had a major
credit card, cash in the bank, excellent health, youthful
looks, a lot of credits and original intellectual
property, and ambitious plans.
10/82 When I moved from Washington, DC, back to
New York City, and drove a rented truck full of my
possessions (several thousand pounds) and towed my car
behind the truck and was driving alone, Beth Buchter, Cy
Charas, Charles Parl, and probably Vance Jordan ganged up
on me behind my back and cut the brakes on my truck, had
my car sideswiped while I was towing it and driving the
truck alone, and set me up in a bogus apartment in Queens
that I had paid for but could not move into, and
Beth suggested I move into her house in New Rochelle,
which house was a booby trap of set up references to
personal facts regarding me and my past, which I had not
told her about; she was illegally scheming against me
with other trash; her motive was financial; I brushed off
and refused to acknowledge or comment on her sly
suggestions and insinuations. She was my former classmate
at Rosemary Hall for three years ,and she had never acted
illegally against me before, and I was not expecting her
illegal trap.
After 1982 in New York City I got very strange phone
calls, and people I called on my home phone were saying
strange things, e.g. Margaret Ferguson Hansen; they
alluded to illegalities I had not told anyone about,
personal references about material they had no legal or
known access to.
1983 Gunnar Theel set me up to deliberately wreck
the motor and engine of my car so he would split the
costly repair bill with crooked mechanics in the location
he did this.
1983 I was set up with a premeditated purse
snatching in Queens. In 1982-1984 the Wadmonds
wanted to meet prominent relatives and friends I had in
others fields and they illegally eavesdropped on
my phone calls and called without my consent relatives
and others and caused trouble for me and poisoned their
minds. I was illegally and deliberately cut off
from superior relatives and others starting in 10/82 in
Walter Scholz, the Wadmonds, and others illegally
tapping my home phones and illegally tailing me from 1983
on prevented me from getting or keeping employment and
illegally cut off my career plans for years.
1983 on malicious crooked scheming against me including
direct quotes to information about me they had illegally
acquired through eavesdropping on the phone and illegally
reading my nonpublished personal letters, journals,
files, etc. that I kept in my apartment and never showed
anyone; Elita Wadmond, Walter Scholz, Gail Lloyd, my
brother, Betty Foster, and others maliciously did this to
bait me and upset me.
In 1983 I was set up with a conniving crooked Hungarian
mathematician in Mensa, Attila Mate. Staff in mother's
nursing home had obviously been approached by someone
other than myself from 1983 on and said and did hostile
and odd things and referred to and alluded to things they
had been told about me or my family.
From 1983-1987 Walter Scholz continued to illegally call
my employers behind my back cause trouble for me. Also,
the Wadmonds interfered behind my back with my employment
and told the employment agents and personnel in the jobs
things about me that they should not have told them and I
never gave them consent to do that. They leaked
important and financially valuable and relevant
information behind my back at work, causing me to lose
control over my own life and assets and story; they went
behind my back and called people in DC and elsewhere and
called around and asked strangers to them questions about
me and believed everything they heard; Walter Scholz also
did this, also illegally eavesdropped, called around, and
asked strangers to them questions about me and told them
malicious lies. In 1984 Wadmonds, Gail Lloyd,
Walter Scholz, Dorothy Booraem, crooked NYPD and
others colluded in stealing my car. By 11/84 all
the cash I had had and the major credit card, were also
In 1984 the Wadmonds and Booraem specifically told me to
finish writing the novel I was working on; I did; then
the Wadmonds dumped the book and dismissed it without
reading a sentence of it. They caused me to get into a
bad spot financially, risking being thrown out of the
apartment, making it impossible to replace the car they
stole or to move out of the apartment; I was down to zero
cash as a result. They illegally ended my social
life; I was illegally cut off from important friends,
relatives, and occasions. They cut me out of acting,
modeling, temp work through interference with my phone
calls and hostile tails. Crooked employers and employees
in offices 1984 on maliciously caused trouble for me at
work and fired me. They cut me out of acting, modeling,
temp work illegally through interference with my phone
calls and hostile tails. Crooked Employers employees in
offices 1984 on in NYC they planted hostile crooked
coworkers in offices with me and illegally cut off my
employment and fired me deliberately.
1983 - 1984 I was swindled out of money by the Wadmonds
who said I was going to have a lot of money from them,
going to have a new car from them, they made a lot of
other promises including publishing my book; none of
which they did, but they urged me to spend my money.
The Wadmonds swindled me out of my money and
deliberately put me in a financial bind and gloated
maliciously (1982-1984); also, Walter Rose
Scholz was in on that; the Wadmonds reneged on their
promises regarding finding and/or replacing my car they
stole in 1984, buying my book for $1,000,000, making me
their heir, leaving me their apartment, etc.
Walter Scholz and others in NYC illegally prevented me
from 1984 on from publishing a novel I wrote c 1983 -
1987. I could not write or publish in New York City after
1984 due to the crooked circumstances imposed on me.
All employers I worked for from 1984 on were
themselves crooked schemers against me and or had such as
coworkers; taxi limo drivers illegally meddled with me.
Employment agencies illegally set me up in bad jobs where
I had illegal trouble aimed at me. 1983 gas sabotage
caused me to miss important funeral of a relative. I
could not write or publish in New York City after 1984
due to the crooked circumstances imposed on me.
I was told often 1984 on that I was being sued,
was going to be taken to court for multiple charges, etc.
My phone calls had been intercepted by others
pretending to be the person I was calling; the first
incident I noticed was in 1984 when I phoned out on my
home phone. In many of the law offices
I worked in the attorneys were acting strangely and
deliberately talking strangely; making many
references to personal details I had not told them about,
including about activities inside my apartment when I was
there alone and there was no one else visible in the
I was being followed by strange people,
including every time I left NYC for DC or VA I
was tailed by strangers who accosted me in line, sat next
to me in the bus, tried to pump me, gave me unsolicited
advice, etc. I was being maliciously hazed by insulting
and hostile and crooked people since I returned to NYC in
10/82. My social life was ended due to illegal phone
taps, concealed surveillance other criminal
acts. Michael McGehee 1985 tried to scare me
into leaving NYC where I was living and not to return to
my apartment and to move to Atlanta immediately, and
he poisoned me.
May 1985 when I was illegally forced out of the apartment
by Zuckermanns, Betty Foster, Walter Scholz, Jack Lynch
others illegally meddling with my premeditated actions
primarily because of those who did it.
May 1985 I was illegally forced out of a crooked
apartment into a worse and more crooked apartment in
Queens. From May 1985 when I moved into 41-15 75
St, Apt. 6, Elmhurst, NY 11373 because I was illegally
forced out of the previous apartment I was living in,
crooked cops and others including fire dept.
wired my apt. with concealed cameras and bugs and cut off
my job searches and phone calls, and my mail was
illegally disrupted crooks in the local post office.
1985 on many plagiarized and stole nonpublished material
I kept in my apartment and they marketed it. others
including lawyers 1987 on referred to and apparently were
in on crooked interference in my mail including forgery,
bogus letters, bogus invitations, attempts to set
me up on booby traps in others states where I would be
isolated and surrounded by crooks, etc. Walter
and others including Betty Foster ganged up against me
behind my back with my crooked landlords Zuckerman and
Chin Su Ling and illegally forced me to move out in May
1985 when Jack Lynch and others steered me to an
apartment in Elmhurst that they said would be better but
was worse. It had more concealed cameras and bugs I could
never get rid of. In 1985 Walter Scholz lied to
Episcopalian clergy about me and convinced them I was
paranoid about the phone tap and the clergy and Walter
said I had no tap, although Walter knew I did have a tap.
Crooked employment agencies and agents included: 1985
Sloan, 1985 Mr. Kaye, 1984 Essex, 1984 Georgie Girls,
1986 Personnel Pool. Among the crooked employers or
offices where I was followed to the job by crooked new
employees and others from outside the office and where
crooked occurrences against me were staged: Feurstein,
through Sloan temps on a project for Cadwallader in
1985-1986 1985 Editor& Publisher, Marion Larson, Bill,
Rachel In and others. In 1986 Allen & Company- Lin
Illusorio, Naomi Johnson. 1987- Finley Kumble Wagner-
many word processors, Tab Rosenfeld, and other lawyers;
Kraver & Parker, 1988; 1988, Kelly Drye- word processors,
lawyers connected to FKW, to a firebombed taxi in
front of me across from Tiffany's, 2 jackknifed semi
trailers blocking traffic on the highway near my exit
when I was in a limo on the way back to my apartment in
Queens. They illegally contributed to the horrific death
of my mother in 1987. C 1988 someone set
up a snare in the street near my apartment; this snare
was intended to cause me to fall and cause a serious
permanent injury; I fell, was severely injured, was
slated for surgery, but luckily escaped it. All
this was apparently worse suddenly around 1988 when
either someone I had known got new equipment, or
the NYPD got new tracking and surveillance
equipment, or surveillance equipment became used more by
truck drivers, and taxi drivers were also linking through
their radios, city employees were being linked and
contacted about me; people in offices I entered were
apparently being contacted or had just been contacted
about me by people outside; strangers apparently linked
to illegally acquired information about me were following
me; coworkers were doing the same, and my entire life
drastically deteriorated and worsened. Tthe
behavior was hostile, crooked, harmful; they were
obviously baiting and hazing and threatening me.
Generally, I ignored all of them and never said anything
or acknowledged.
Also, people including NYPD needled me with information.
In late 1980's I was deliberately given an
irregular very fast pulse by a pharmacist. I was
maliciously threatened in and out of offices.
In the late 1980's a Haitian deliberately caused
a large hematoma in my arm. In late 1989 TM
Lipscomb set me up with a Walker, Esq., a blind date
Lipscomb introduced me to, and they put something
m my drink that caused me to suddenly be unable to walk
well, and I thought I would fall down in the street; they
were working with a cop outside who apparently was hoping
I was going to fall down in the street, and my
crooked date Walker Esq. suggested I go to his house in
Westchester with him; of course I did not.
In the late 1980's the Barclay's Bank in Queens
where I had my account was bombed out in the front, a set
up blew out the window at the time I usually went there
and someone tried to link me to this. My phone
calls in my apartment, outside public phones, and in the
offices where I worked were being cut off.
At Birnbaum & Birnbaum c 1989 when I phoned Haliburton
Fales at White & Case the phone line went dead and I was
fired from the job.
In 1989 I was probably deliberately given a heart
attack in a crooked law office, Virag.
Others deliberately overdosed and drugged me to
cause heart problems (in a NYC hospital). The
following crooked lawyers colluded illegally against me:
Birnbaum, Cadwallader, Kanter & Bergman, Finley Kumble,
Mangiatorde, Jennings & Grimble, Robt McKay, Nat and Ted
Knappen, John Moore, Virag, Kelley Drye, White &
Case-Rutherford, Edgerton, Fales, Wadmond; GL Jordon.
After 10/82 -several tried to scare me into leaving New
York City where I was living, illegally prevented me from
publishing, illegally prevented me from getting and/or
keeping employment, illegally cut off my career plans for
The town of Elmhurst near my former address there
in the late 1980's, 1989, blitzed me illegally inside and
outside my apartment and illegally cut off my
communications and my income and illegally forced me to
spend all my savings; they set me up with hoaxes through
illegal means; they drugged me illegally; they illegally
got into my apartment and deliberately broke my furniture
and irreplaceable art objects. After 7/90 when
I was illegally forced out of my apartment (my crooked
landlord and others illegally cut off my phone and mail
employment search) my address books, all my possessions
(insert 9/10/02)including several thousand pounds of
personal effects, writing, a thousand or so unusual and
many irreplaceable books, my brilliant and original and
exceptional files and notes and writings including
poetry, a novel, short stories, my modeling books,
pictures of my family and relatives; photos of my
mother, one of the most beautiful women who ever lived;
photos of my father, one of the handsomest men who ever
lived; geneological data including material
pertaining to eminent relatives, records of employment
and education, special awards and honors,
recommendations, medical records of mine and of my father
and of my mother, special events and invitations, press
clippings, my letters and letters sent to me by others,
my legal files, my address book containing names and
addresses of important people and relatives and
acquaintances and business connections) were stolen or
seized by crooks who premeditated it; they wanted
notoriety for themselves and to use me as an unpaid PR
agent and billboard for their favored schemes, and they
counted on getting attention due to the fact that I was
related to and had known many famous and well known
people previously.
I have not gotten anything out of this period 10/82 on
and have had only losses due to crooked schemes against
me, 1982 on by Parl, etc, then Wadmond, Scholz, then many
I was maliciously bombarded and mobbed; people
illegally bugged and kept concealed cameras in my
apartment and tapped and interfered with my phone calls
and mail; they plagiarized and stole nonpublished
material I kept in my apartment and did not show to
anyone. Also, they set up theft, robbery, poison,
malicious crooked tails, physical assaults and fall;
illegally meddled with my mail. They caused severe
illness and injury. The Wadmonds, Walter Scholz,
Gail Lloyd, Betty Foster, and others dragged all of this
out for many years and kept needling me and baiting me;
also, they lied and defamed my character and tried to
cause trouble with the Wadmonds so I would have no money;
they said I had had an affair with Lowell, which is
completely untrue but certain to annoy Elita, which is
why they said it; Walter Scholz, Betty Foster, and others
were repeating the same theme, and were needling me on
the phone, apparently hoping that Elita Wadmond was
eavesdropping and would hear it.
Hostile tails followed me on my job searches and
deliberately through illegal interference caused me not
to get jobs I had to stop using my phone. I
thought I was still the Wadmonds heir.
Malicious and crooked trash including cops followed me to
my jobs and got jobs wherever I worked after I got the
job and deliberately caused trouble for me at work or
tried to get me fired or did get me fired for no good
reason. Walter Scholz, Marion Larson, and others
maliciously behind my back axed me with literary agents
about my book and tried to persuade me my book was
terrible. I did not believe them. I got from 1985 on
letters and invitations from and meetings with relatives
and former acquaintances perhaps and forged letters and
invitations to visits and meetings, bum steers, including
Gary Lynn Jordan, Jean Shepard Martin, Mrs. Wm. Brown,
Capt. Harry H. Caldwell, Col. Bob Kreuter, Col. Samouce,
Ted Knappen, my brother, Nat Knappen, Ted and Robin
I could never get rid of the phone or mail interferences
from 1982 on. Rodents were deliberately placed in
my apartments repeatedly. People in the apartment
buildings deliberately screamed through the floors and in
the hall and outside the window to upset and worry me. My
apartment was apparently wired with cameras and bugs that
were broadcasting outside my apartment. People
that had illegally caused trouble for me and cut me off
from my more agreeable and important and successful
relatives and friends blitzed me with new illegal high
tech networks against which I have no chance.
on a sadistic spree of robbery, freeloading, empire
building, publicity making malicious dangerous stunts.
Hostile women in historical societies set me up
with malicious hoaxes. I n late 1989-1990
apparently new equipment, high tech, worsened my position
drastically. I could not get any job and was being
tailed, pursued, cut off from employers and employment
and hired by boguses: Jennings & Grimble 1990 and
Mangiatorde 1993. In early 1990's on E 53 St a Negro
murderously premeditatedly slammed my head with a very
heavy object. The public has continued with the
cooperation of cops and others in government to pursue,
accost, rob, assault, and push me down illegally.
There is no remedy for this and I specifically
oppose a further build up of high tech as a realistic
Since 1982 when I returned to New York City former
acquaintances and new acquaintances have been illegally
conspiring against me including NYPD, NYNEX employees,
people in the apartment houses where I was living, the
landlords, new people I met at Mensa gatherings, at
invitation only gatherings of other groups I belonged to
and at social gatherings at St Bartholomew's Episcopal
Church, at job interviews, on jobs, at functions
advertised in the papers. The situation became much worse
in NYC. High tech has blitzed me out, often
illegally and deliberately. Since 1990 all my property
has been stolen from me or seized by crooks. A wagon full
of my writings was stolen by crooks from me in
Washington, DC, in 1990's.
They wanted to abuse me, at the same time steal
intellectual property from me, get access to prominent,
successful, high ranking, well known people I had known;
they obviously misunderstood my background, my life, my
personality; they thought they could lie, bully, and
confuse me into introducing them to people I would never
introduce trash like that to.
Crooked freeloaders and jerks including cops got the
wrong notion that they could quickly get access to
Hollywood stars, rich people, producers, famous actors,
high ranking generals and others through me. This is not
true. Jerks have been following me around to steal and
freeload for many years. The new technology made the
entire situation for me much worse.
Obviously people have been illegally cutting me off from
my rich, prominent, correct relatives, friends, and
acquaintances for many years now; they have done it
through the phone, the mail, personal in person
interception, and other tactics. They also wanted to use
me as an unpaid beggar and PR person and fundraiser for
themselves or their pet project. I am not an unpaid
fundraiser for anyone; I am not an unpaid file cabinet
for unsolicited material; I am not an unpaid servant or
errand boy or teacher, coach, guidance counselor,
advisor. I do not introduce people merely because they
want to meet someone I know. I dislike social climbers.
This entire period 1982 on has been a disaster for me. I
do not like the interferences, illegal meddling, or
unreasonable pressures on me for years by strangers and
unwelcome acquaintances.
People illegally moved in on me in my apartments
and used them as a lab for their crooked experiments on
1982 on people have stolen all my possessions and they
stole all my intellectual property through illegal means
including stealing the papers they were written on,
physically seizing the papers, illegally getting access
to the papers when I was not in my apartment or room,
illegally keeping concealed visual surveillance of me and
illegally eavesdropping on my phone conversations,
intercepting my mail, illegally tailing me, illegally
keeping surveillance on me at work. They prevented me
illegally from marketing my own intellectual property and
they deliberately illegally ruined my careers and all my
endeavors in all fields. They illegally cut off
my social life. The intellectual
property they stole from me has been used as the basis
for much of the software and computer programs that have
come out since 1982; also they stole other material that
has been used in politics, advertising, publishing,
movies, and other fields. They destroyed my
peace of mind, my pleasure and have made every day an
affliction. They did this through fraud and lies also, to
pin me down under their thumb, and keep me in a weak,
poor, inferior position, away from more successful,
smarter, nicer people I have known. They did this
primarily because they knew my father had died and they
wanted to take advantage of me and clean me out
illegally. They impoverished me, destroyed my income, and
some want me to work on increasing income for
impoverished people, themselves; I will not do this;
the trash that illegally did this to me wanted to
force me to be their unpaid servant; I think they should
be exterminated, not paid.
I have been illegally run over by inferior trash since my
father died 1/82.
Much worse in NYC since I returned has been a gross and
vulgar and crooked invasion illegally of my apartments
and continuous illegal surveillance of me visually and
orally and tailing of me by inferior very frightening and
dangerous assaultive trash including large number of
African Americans and mulattos-- none of whom I know. I
have attempted to reach successful smart honest and
honorable people I have known but the crooked trash on my
tail has been illegally cutting off my mail and phone
calls and other communications still.
In haste below are some of the names and incidents of
this crooked garbage that I can identify somewhat: 1990
spring a crooked set up in No. Virginia involving Jack
Macidull; crooks who stole my footlocker containing
valuable writings of mine and other invaluable property
while I was in the DC Greyhound bus station; my cousin
Ted Knappen, a Greyhound employee; Kuchera near capital
hill in DC in the 1990's and the disgusting crooks in his
house; the mailmen and the workers in the post offices
that handled mail addressed to me at my residences and
post office boxes and general delivery stations in New
York City from 1982 on; thieves who stole my cell phone,
stole several luggage carriers, 12/15/99 stole my luggage
carrier and large bag on it with many personal papers
including many ID's (NYPD and African Americans and
others in the neighborhood did this); set up vicious
assaults on me; massive plagiarism of what I do in the
NYC public library and elsewhere; no replies to my job
search although I am more qualified than most of the
applicants and the employed. Chin Su Ling; Queens court;
in the 1990 summer. C 1992 Citibank guards stole my
address book from the lower level where I was sitting and
put the names in my address book on their crooked list
and deleted them from directories and contacted them and
caused trouble for me; 1985 Editor & Publisher; 1985 on
Elmhurst Hospital staff; 1988 Kraver & Parker; 1983-85
Jamaica Hospital. 1982 McCrarey. 1985 McGehee. 1982 Ned
O'Gorman. Greyhound bus station personnel; DC cops;
riffraff who followed me to DC from NYC in; in 1990
Greyhound personel stole my suitcase with my original
solo literary writings and other valuable property; they
are crooked very low grade sadists including very dumb
Afro-Americans; I never recovered any of my property.
In 1999 I was set up with an assault by crooked NYPD and
others in the 47th St area. My computer was
deliberately broken repeated in 1999-2000 by library
personnel and repair people. Other crooks: the
Maddoxes in Greenwich, Christ Episcopal Church in
Greenwich, Lydia Stevens Justin, John Moore, Peter Braun
in Greenwich in the 1990's; in the 1990's Dick Hochman,
1985 -1990 Pakistani newsmen on the corner near my
Elmhurst apt; Korean, Chinese, Phillipine, Irish,
Peruvian, Afganistan neighbors in Elmhurst; my mail was
stolen from me and read by others; forged replies were
sent to me including attempts to set me up with dangerous
bogus meetings with hoaxes; owners of nearby pay phones;
crooked cops; others impersonated people I was calling
and cut off my phone calls.
Unidentified strangers tailed me to work and job
searches; to social functions I attended; others
illegally snooped into my private business for years and
maliciously illegally caused trouble for me there.
Someone in NYC in 1982 on behind my back illegally
contacted previous acquaintances, persuaded them to do
hostile crooked things to me, to scheme against me, to
lie to me and to others; to try to do numbers on me.
I was tailed by unidentified hostile undesirable
oddballs and accosted by them. Someone behind my
back contacted staff in mother's location and caused
malicious trouble there with the staff.
In 1985 crooked NYPD came into my apartment when I asked
for a security check; they illegally colluded against me
in setting up illegal concealed surveillance against me
in the apartments. They illegally deliberately ruined me
financially and forced me due to their crooked moves to
spend all my savings.
I was set up with false arrest in Manhattan in 1990 and
have had pests and thieves on me tailing me back and
forth across the US. I have been repeated robbed,
including thefts of a lot of my personal papers and
documents in Washington, DC. in the mid-1990's.
Early 1990's theft again of my address book, 1990 on
illegal seizure several times of all my possessions that
were in storage by criminals colluding; collusion and
fraud against me regarding my possessions in storage 1990
on, forced sale of valuable irreplaceable family jewelry
and silver. The people who did all this are bums
and trash, and there is no excuse for it. I will never
deal with or have anything to do with low class people
(including cops) or crooked schemers below my normal and
usual levels. I have been illegally cut off for
about 20 years from some people I knew, including some
that have died (according to the newspapers) with
conditions that are just unbelievable. The public
has gone on a crooked crime spree targeting me for many
years; they are cowards and bullies acting in packs; they
have previous information that I am in a weak position,
so they gang up against me. I avoid all of them and have
not kept contact with any of those I am convinced are
part of the crooked packs. One way I am getting out of
this is to avoid all those I know are or were crooked and
scheming against me, and I avoid any involvments or
meetings or conversations with crooks I have identified
including crooked groups such as the NYPD. I am
leery about reporting crimes to the cops because they are
crooked schemers who are apt to make things worse.
I was set up (I think) with an assault in a
Catholic shelter in the early 1990's during which I was
assaulted and slammed to the floor and hurled across the
room into table legs that injured my head.
After 10/82 - return to NYC- Names of Criminals (Dates of
Criminal Activities against Me, most were in spring 1990
actions) After 10/82 - return to NYC- Names of Criminals
(Dates of Criminal Activities against Me, most were in
spring 1990 actions) Afghanistan neighbors in my
apartment building in Elmhurst, c 1985-1990, spring 1990;
Allen & Company, employer 1986, 1986-1990's, spring 1990;
Allen, Herbert, investment banker, Allen & Company, c
1987-1990; Barclay's Bank, Queens, near Elmhurst, c 1988;
Barnes, Polly, (Knappen, Georgianne, below); Biehl, Fred,
lawyer, spring 1990; Bill, editor at Editor & Publisher,
1985; Bilsky, Pauline, former editor at McKinsey c
1967-1968, part of crooked network 1990's; Birnbaum &
Birnbaum, law firm, employer, c 2 weeks, c 1988; Bolivian
woman, tenant in my Elmhurst apartment building,
1989-1990; Booraem, Dorothy, 1983-1985, (in Greenwich)
early 1990's ; Bowman, Suzanne, wife of US Navy captain,
VA, 1982, c 1988; Brockunier, Barbara, cousin, Boston,
1982, c 1990-1995; Brockunier, Jane, cousin, Boston and
Cape Cod, spring 1990, 1990's; Brockunier, Nicholas,
cousin, Amtrak employee in 1982, Maryland resident,
hoaxes, knew re theft of my footlocker, 1982, spring
1990-1990's; Brown, Mrs. Wm, Fort Collins, CO, cousin,
1985-1990's; Buchter, Beth (Sis Hibbard), Rosemary Hall
grad 1959, in New Rochelle, NY and a social worker
1982-1990's, spring 1990; Cadwalader Wickersham Taft,
employer, 1985-1986; Caldwell, Capt. Harry H., USN Ret, c
1988-1990's; Caldwell, Harry H. Mrs, 1990's; Cantor &
Berkman, lawyers, employers, 11-12/89; Carey, former Gov
Hugh, 1987, spring 1990; Chase, Ned, Esq., New York, NY,
Chevy Chase's brother, spring 1990; Chin Su Ling, my
landlord, Elmhurst, Chinese immigrant, 1985-1990; Christ
Episcopal Church in Greenwich, c 1990-1995; Clements,
Robert, Chairman Comparative Literature Dept. New York
University, Spring 1983, early 1980's, spring 1990;
Crooked employment agencies and agents in New York City
1984-1990's; Crump, Juliette Taft, classmate class of
1959 Rosemary Hall, 1980's, 2001; Edgerton, Barbara,
Rosemary Hall classmate, resident of VA, spring 1990, c
early 1990's; Edgerton, Malcolm, Esq, at White & Case, c
1990, spring 1990; Edgerton, son of Barbara, resident of
VA, early 1990's; Editor & Publisher, employer, 1985;
Epstein, Ira, Mensa member, 1983, US Post Office employee
at 34th St, 1983-1990's; Essex employment agency, c
1984-1985; Fales, Haliburton, Esq., at White & Case, c
1985-1990's; Feldman, Leslie, Esq, spring 1990, early
1990's; Feurstein, computer encoders in New Jersey and
working for Cadwalader in 1985-1986, employer; Finley
Kumble Wagner, many word processors and some lawyers,
employer, 1987; Foster, Mrs. Thomas "Betty", a president
of Daughters of Cincinnati, c 1984-1990; Freedman,
Gerald, Esq, early 1990's; Georgie Girls, Jamaican
employment agency, 1984-1985; Gleason, Fred, Choate
graduate c 1958, U of Pennsylvania, BA, Wharton student,
with Ladenburg Thalman, investment banker c 1983-1984,
with crooked networks into 1990's; Gluck, Fred, managing
partner of McKinsey, married to Sue Lehmann, 1983-1990;
Goddell, Donald, ITT lawyer, Columbia University LLB, St.
Bartholomew's Community Club member, c 1968-1974; Hansen,
Margaret Ferguson, cousin, in Park Ave. apartment, c
1982-1987; Harper, Helen, Daughters of Cincinnatti
member, 1984, spring 1990; Harper, Mai D, a president of
Daughters of Cincinnatti, spring 1990; Hellman, John,
(former head of Editing Dept. at McKinsey c 1967-1968),
in early 1980's; Hochman, Dick, photographer, c early
1990's; Holle, Mrs., (wife of Maj Gen Charles Holle),
resident of Washington, DC, late 1980's, 1990's;
Horowitz, Seth, Mensa 1983-1984, c1985- spring 1990,
1991; Ilusorio, Erlinda, immigrant from Phillipines,
Columbia University MBA, Allen & Company, investment
banker, c 1986-1990's, spring 1990; In, Rachel, Chinese,
supervisor at Editor & Publisher, 1985; Irishmen, many,
in basement apartment in my apartment building in
Elmhurst, c 1986-1990; Jennings & Grimble, law firm,
employer, c 1 week spring 1990; Johnson, Naomi, employee
at Allen & Company, 1986, spring 1990; Jordan, Ann Marie,
Mrs. Gary, Swedish, 1990's; Jordan, Gary Lynn, BS
Electrical engineering, patent atty, Phd in business, GWU
grad, VA, 1982-1990's, spring 1990; Jordan, Jason, son of
Gary Lynn Jordan, Vassar student, 1985-1989; Jordan,
Vance, student at Hunter College in 1960's, theatrical
agent (Joe Jordan) 1960's-1980's, art dealer at
Jordan-Volpe Gallery, New York, NY, 1982, spring 1990;
Justin, Lydia Stevens, Rosemary Hall, 1959 grad.,
married, never a friend, c 1983-1990's, spring 1990;
Kaye, Mr., employment agency worker, 1984-1985, spring
1990; Kelly Drye Warren, lawyers, employer, c 1 week
1988; Knappen, Aunt Georgianna, N VA, 1980's, 1990's;
Knappen, Nat, Esq., Vassar grad, admitted to New York
State bar, grad of U of Virginia law school, attorney for
collections of debts in New York City, Ithaca, general
practice, 1984-spring 1990; Knappen,Ted, Esq, expelled
from Principia then taken back, graduate of U of Virginia
undergraduate and law school, vice president of Greyhound
in Washington, DC, married to Panamanian, 1982-spring
1990; Koreans with apartments in my apartment building in
Elmhurst, 1989-spring 1990; Kraus, Marianne, (maiden
name) Rosemary Hall classmate, Kraus Books, 1980's,
spring 1990; Kraver & Parker, law firm, employer, 3
months, 1988; Kreuter, Col. Robert, USA Ret, 1920 West
Point grad, classmate of my father, in Santa Monica, CA,
1975-1990's; Kucera, Eugene, Czech, in house near Capital
Hill in Washington, DC, 1990's; Larson, Marion, employee
at Editor & Publisher, 1985; Lehmann, Sue, (former editor
at McKinsey when I worked there), married to Fred Gluck,
1983-1990's, spring 1990; Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman, daughter
of, resident of Washington, DC, early 1990's; Lindsay,
John, former mayor of New York City, spring 1989, early
1990's; Lipscomb, Tom and Christine, met at Daughters of
the Cincinnati, New York City, 1983- spring 1990; Lloyd,
Gail, MA NYU Art History, Daughters of Cincinnati, with
Frick Museum, in art field, 1983-1990's, spring 1990;
Lynch, John J, Queens, NYU PhD comp lit, Eng prof, CUNY,
LaGuardia, 1983-1990; Lynch, Mrs, John Lynch's mother, c
1983-1990; Macidull, John C., Jack, Annapolis grad,
Mensa, FAA, Washington, DC, 1982, 1984, spring 1990;
Macy, Lisa, roommate in my apartment in VA in 1982,
1990's; Maddox, John Davies "Dave", Yale, BA, Harvard
MBA, (advertising in 1970's), 1983, 1990's; Mangiatorde,
Esq., employer, law firm, 1 week 1993; Marble Collegiate
Church, hoax in spring 1990; Martin, Jean Shepard,
cousin, hoax re, 1983, 1987, early 1990's; Mate, Attila,
Hungarian immigrant, prof of math, CUNY, Brooklyn; Mensa,
NYC, malicious liar and schemer, 1983-2002, spring 1990;
McCrareys, Dennis and Eugenia, American Express, 1982,
spring 1990, early 1990's; McGehee, Michael, Choate grad,
private investigator, 1985; McKay, Robt, Esq., at Brown &
Wood; U of VA LLB, spring 1990; McKinsey, New York, NY,
spring 1990, early 1990's; Meyer, Jon, Mensa, New York,
in personnel field, Queens resident, 1983-1990's, spring
1990; Miller, Cy, partner of Erwin Schaeffer, fall 1984,
spring 1990; Moore, John S, Esq., formerly with Sheraton
Hotel, resident of Greenwich, CT, 1980's, early 1990's;
Morgan, Howard, Bard College BA, MBA Harvard, (with Allen
& Company 1986), spring 1990.
Morra, Guiseppe, spring 1990; Negro gangs unidentifed,
hundreds of them in New York City 1982 on, then
everywhere else I went 1982 on; Negro who moved into
apartment above mine in Elmhurst, c 1988-1989; NYNEX
employees; NYPD; O'Connor, Carol, the actor, c 1987-1990;
O'Gorman, Ned, party attender, c 1983, spring 1990
Pakistani newsmen on the corner near my Elmhurst apt,
1985-1990; Paolucci, Robert, Mensa member, partier, c
1983- spring 1990; Parl, Chas., Princeton Univ., BA, MBA
Columbia U.,( Salomon Bros., bonds, 1970's), long time
Bayside resident, parents immigrants, 1982-1990's, spring
1990; Parl, Mrs. Chas, 1982-1990's; Personnel Pool,
employment agency; Peruvians next door to my Elmhurst
apartment, worked for Fedex, c 1985-1990; Phillipines in
several apartments in my Elmhurst apartment building,
1985-1990; Pritchard, Hugh, Mensa member, Univ of
Maryland computer center employee, 1982, 1990's,
Washington, DC area; Prokop, Ruth, Esq, Washington, DC,
lawyer, spring 1990, 1990's; Reed/Read/Reid, John, New
York University MBA, Metropolitan Opera Guild member,
financial analyst at Spencer Trask c 1974, Queens
landlord, NYC, spring 1990; Roblin, Linda (maiden name),
Rosemary Hall classmate, Greenwich, early 1990's;
Rosenfeld, Tab, attorney, Finley Kumble, 1987, spring
1990; Rutherford, lawyer, White & Case, spring 1990;
Samouce, Col. USA Ret, classmate of my father, spring
1990; Samouce, Mrs. James, resident of VA, 1990's;
Sansbury, Ralph, Mensa member, former doctoral candidate
in mathmatics at New York University, partier, 1983-1984,
spring 1990; Savalas, Telly, the actor, Elmhurst, c
1987-1990; Schaeffer, Erwin, Hungarian origin, Canadian
citizen, New York, NY, 1983-1990's, spring 1990; Scholz,
Walter Rosen, actor, producer, New York, NY, 1983-1987,
spring 1990, 19990's; Schwebel, Stephen, President of
International Court of Justice, Hague, c 1990, early
1990's; Shepard, David Allan, Jr,, cousin, son of oil
company executive, 1983; Shepard, Marie, c 1997 Sibley,
Maj Gen Alden, 1983, spring 1990; Sipe, Barbara, (Mrs.
Harry Sipe), resident of VA, c early 1990's; Sipe, Lt.
Cmdr. Harry Sipe, resident of VA, c early 1990's; Slater,
Patrick, Queens resident, banker, retired, loitered near
my Elmhurst apartment, c 1985-spring 1990; Sloan temps,
employment agency, late 1985-early 1986; St Bartholomew's
Church, 1984- spring 1990; St. James Church, Rev Rockwell
Hayes, c 1988- spring 1990; Stoddards, Dudley and Helen,
Daughters of Cincinnati, spring 1990, early 1990's;
Theel, Gunnar, artist, German citizen, NYC, 1983, spring
1990; Virag & Virag, lawyers, Virag, Esq, New York, NY,
employer, 1989, spring 1990, 1990's; Wadmond, Elita and
Wadmond, Lowell, New York City and Palm Beach,
1982-1990's; Walker, John, Esq, lawyer, Simpson T&B, NYC,
11-12 1989; Watson, Thomas, IBM executive, early 1990's;
Watts, Huntington, hoax at Colonial Wars, c1984-1985;
Weist-Barron, TV commercial teachers, Bob Barron, c 1990;
White & Case, New York City office, several attorneys
there, c 1987-1990's; White, Dorset, Manhattan, private
businessman, spring 1990, 1990's; Whitman, Janet, married
to Charles Whitman, c 1982-1990's, Daughters of the
Cincinnatti Christmas Party 1989, spring 1990; Winslow,
Hugh Whitaker, Jr, my brother, 1987-1990's; Withington,
Robin and Frederick, cousins, NYC and Boston, former
consultant with Arthur D. Little, 1987-2002, spring 1990;
Wolsfelt, Vicky, classmate class of 1959 Rosemary Hall,
resident of Gainesville, FL; Zuckerman, Harry and Lily,
Rumanian immigrants, Queens landlords of my apartment in
Briarwood, 1982-1985.
Hoaxes, fraud, impersonations regarding identity
aimed at me began in New York City in the spring of 1968
at a job where I was working, (I did not tell
anyone this nor was it written down; it was probably set
up by my mother's siblings in New York City), then they
occurred in Los Angeles in late 1970's; this pattern
followed me to Virginia area in 1982, to New York City
10/82 on ,and expanded in late 1980's and 1990's into
hundreds of illegal hoaxes. Also, people have gotten
illegally into my files kept in my apartment since the
1960's in New York City; I did not tell anyone this nor
was it written down anywhere; I know who probably did it.
Updated 10/9/02
Updates 10/24/01 8/01 -- Electrocuted in left ear
at a public telephone. Assaulted by a pervert
who had premeditated the crime and was colluding with
county sheriff, local police, local EMS, local hospital,
and local workers near the site of assault. I refuse to
be a sucker for criminal colluders or to identify the
assailant who was probably persuaded by others to do it.
9/01 very severe trip and fall due to a visible
object and lack of sleep. A very severe slip and fall
several days later due to a large greasy patch (probably
deliberately) planted behind some objects in the station
of a well known bus company. End of 10/24/01
By Elizabeth Brady Cabot Winslow, last revised 10/08/2002
12:40 pm
ramblings of a mentally ill woman - one thing is for
certain: it is certainly one of the most unique resumes /
life stories I have ever come across. Long and rambling,
I have highlighted the things that really struck me, for
your viewing ease. Worth a look, I think !
PRODIGY IN MANY FIELDS. Perhaps I rank historically among
the 50 or 100 most intelligent and talented people in the
most fields ever. More high abilities in more
different fields than anyone in last 50 years. Fair,
beautiful face and figure, blond, brunette,
redhead, green eyes, 5'8", American.
Former child prodigy in many fields. More high
abilities in more different fields than anyone in last 50
years. IQ perhaps c 180. Based on amazing
abilities suitable for international competition in and
impact on and work in numerous fields from an early age,
I should be rich and in Who's Who and the Social
Register and have many known major credits. In
early 1982 I told a classmate of my father in Virginia
that I had been described as a genius at large
in the early 1970's. I have never known
anyone as intelligent as I am. I have by far the
best memory of anyone I ever encountered. I have
intellectually one upped experts in fields I have never
studied, had little interest in, and had little knowledge
of; I have done this since an early age. I think I
comprehend high intelligence better than anyone.
I am currently unemployed, impecunious;
all of my invaluable unique possessions
including several thousand pounds of personal effects
plus two cars, my writings, files, my parents' files,
press clippings about me, my modeling books, c 1000
books; my address book listing well known,
important, relatives, acquaintances, business
connections; my records, etc. were stolen by
others, most of whom are listed in the Crime and
Malice section below.
The New York City government, the crooked New York City
Police Department, New York State agencies, the FBI, the
DOJ in Washington, DC, etc., have never replied to my
many bitter complaints. All of the people named as crooks
below directly illegally maliciously schemed against me,
some for many years. Anyone who is willing to state that
they know who committed the thousands of
illegalities against me in New York City primarily but
also in the DC area 1982 on, will state where my
possessions are, who stole them, who was
illegally eavesdropping on my resident
phone, who was illegally calling behind my back
people they illegally heard me talking to on my residence
phone and without my permission or knowledge from 1982 on
in New York City, who set up the malicious and nasty
incidents with others and persuaded others to go along
with their malicious schemes, including the absurb bs at
Allen, White & Case, with Gunnar Theel, Jack Macidull,
etc., 1989-1990, contact me.
Photo below of Elizabeth Brady Cabot Winslow. 5/23/02
Last Revised: 9/29/02, bold faced, toward the end New
York, NY
Contact Information:E-mail:
elizabethbcwinslow@eudoramail.com; Homepage URL:
http://www.angelfire.com/ny4/rainer/index.html, through
Altavista type: Elizabeth Brady Cabot Winslow, hit enter.
Emergency Contact: Mr. Roger Hugh, London, England; born
in England, Oxford University graduate, c 1966, Wharton
School of Business student c 1969-1970, investment banker
at Loeb Rhoades c 1973.
GENERAL INFORMATION: Exceptional memory and mental
abilities including paranormal;
autodidact; independent projects on many
topics; activities include singing, dancing, piano,
creative writing, acting, art work. Creative polymath,
very high IQ, tested and performed exceptionally
brilliantly off and on from an early age and was
told from an early age by brilliant and professionals
that I had a brilliant future ahead of me due to my looks
and talents and brains. Ingenious, inventive,
original, analytical.
As child interviewed by media (not in USA). Due
to my looks I threw a major sports event when I walked in
(18 years old). I am the basis of a lead in several films
in late 1970's (one with Fred Astaire and Helen Hayes)
due to nefarious scheming by crooked relatives and my
then agent Paul Kohner; I was never credited. I
was a major force re and basis of and influential in
around seven years of major stories in a major newspaper
(not in New York City) c1970's to early 1980's; I was
never credited.
NOTE: see href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077536/">A Family
Upside Down look at the reference uder "trivia".
Before 1982 I had read more classics of world
literature than anyone ever by far and was one of the
best read ever. I am formerly rich, a
millionaire. Primarily from 1982 on (due to the death of
my father in early 1982), original intellectual property
of mine mostly from my pre-1982 projects in education,
intelligence testing, medicine, law, office procedures,
acting, comparative literature, nonfiction prose,
fiction, and many topics was stolen from me and
management, medicine, law, office procedures, personnel,
acting, comparative literature, nonfiction prose,
fiction, and other topics marketed by the crooks for
millions of dollars. The crooks never credited me or paid
me for anything. The material that was stolen was NOT
track in modeling and acting repeatedly from the early
1960's until 1982. I was close to being famous and very
successful more than once.
1940's-1970's, autodidact, dance, ballet, operatic
quality singing, classical piano, acting, art.
Inventions. Often plagiarized. Solo independent
original publishable projects, research and notes on very
many topics, including literature, arts, sciences,
humanities, business, psychology, mythology, medicine,
law, economics, physics, military, philosophy, genealogy,
education. Horseback riding, tennis, ice skating,
fishing, water skiing, skiing, swimming.
Author:(1950's-1982) poetry (some published), nonfiction,
nonfiction book on international man, short stories,
fiction; (1983-1987) a novel which I wrote as a vehicle
for me as an actress for a major film; crooks around me
in New York City did not want me to be successful or
rich, and they illegally prevented me from publishing
anything from 1983 on.
1970's-1982 until return to New York City
10/1982--experience in legal procedures and court
appearances, conservatorship, power of attorney,
matrimonial matters, wills, hospitals, psychiatric
hospitals, convalescent hospitals, medical insurance,
retirement homes, pensions. After 1982 due to crooked
meddlers almost all my intellectual productivity halted.
Late 1990's-2002 several nonfiction works including
Directory of Geniuses; Directory of Prodigies,
_Directory_of_Prodigies.html. This is a variation of
Directory of Living Prodigies, Living Prodigy Directory,
International Directory of Living Prodigies, Directory of
Prodigies, Prodigy Directory, International Directory of
BACKGROUND: I have lived in beautiful, lavish,
costly places and had and owned rare and valuable
possessions. I am an Army brat, a debutante in
New York City 1960; I was invited to be a debutante at an
international ball in Rome, summer 1959. I have lived c 7
years in Japan and Western Europe. I have belonged to the
DAR, Daughters of the Cincinnati (c 1968 on), Mensa
(1982-1983, 2000-2001), Episcopal Church, St.
Bartholomew's Community Club 1967-1974. I was the heiress
of Elita and Lowell Wadmond, former president of ABA,
senior partner of White & Case, on board of Metropolitan
Opera, in Who Was Who.
FAMILY: I am the descendent of and related to
historical, famous and prominent individuals and families
that go back perhaps several thousand years.
Father: Col. Hugh Whitaker Winslow, career Army
officer; mother: Elizabeth (Libby) Brady Ferguson
Winslow; brother: Hugh Whitaker Winslow, Jr.
Relatives and ancestors: Irish kings, European
nobility, Oliver Cromwell, Pres. Andrew Jackson, Nathan
Hale, Zane Grey, Jane Addams; families: Cabot
(Boston), Zane, Davenport. Alexander, Caldwell, Strong,
McCulloch, Clark, Whitaker, Winslow, Brockunier, Brady,
Putnam, Ferguson. Generals, US Congressmen,
pilgrams, patriots, pioneers, landowners, judges,
lawyers, manufacturers, writers, doctors, clergymen,
corporate executives, educators, clerymen. In
Who Was Who recently: cousin, high executive in Standard
Oil of NJ; cousin, Dean of Harvard Medical School;
godfather, investment banker; godfather, high ranking
military officer; uncle, publishing; uncle, founded
largest engineering firm in world in its field at one
been the associate or acquaintance of many famous, rich,
prominent, and brilliant people from an early
age- including a Watson of IBM, an Agnelli,
middle eastern royals, high ranking US military including
Air Force Chief of Staff and Chairman of Joint
Chiefs of Staff, famous movie stars and their spouses,
famous opera stars, famous Hollywood
personalities, prominent international
economists, governor of NY Stock Exchange, investment
bankers, film producers, agents for famous film directors
and writers and movie stars, prominent lawyers,
prominent US Senators and Representatives
including Chairman of House Foreign Affairs
Committee, prominent businessmen. 1960-1964
roommates included female Foreign Service Officers,
National Security Analyst, International Economist.
Secret Security Clearance, 1961-1962.
EDUCATION: Columbia, late 1940's.
Japanese School, Japan, early 1950's.
Greenwich Academy, Greenwich, CT, 1955.
Rosemary Hall, Greenwich, CT, Honor Roll, 1955-1958.
Coral Gables SHS, Coral Gables, FL, Honor Roll, Swimming
Team, top 15% of class, 1958-1959, HS Diploma, 1959.
The George Washington University, Washington, DC, Major:
International Relations, Minor: International Economics,
Dean's List, 1959-1961, 1962-1964, BA, 1964.
University of Paris, Paris, France, French Language,
summer 1964-1965 University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg,
Germany, German language and literature, 1965-1966, 1 on
final exam.
University of Poitiers, Tours, France, French language,
summer 1966.
Columbia University, New York, NY, English literature,
spring 1968.
New York University, doctoral candidate, comparative
literature, 2/3 courses, GPA 3.5, Dean's List,
Scholarships, 1968-1970.
Lee Strasberg, 1970.
HB, 1970-1974.
Weist-Barron, 1970.
Other studies: piano, singing, speech, acting, riding,
tennis, Japanese dancing
Languages: French, German, Latin, Italian,
Spanish, Japanese, Russian
EMPLOYMENT: US Department of State, Medical Division,
Washington, DC, receptionist, recommended by US
Representative Dante Fascell, summer 1960.
US Agency for International Development, Washington, DC,
clerk typist, secretary, spring 1961.
University of California LRL, Nevada Test Site, NV, sole
secretary/administrative assistant for the Mechanical and
the Electrical Engineering Departments during resumption
of nuclear testing, 1961-1961.
Sands Hotel, Las Vegas, NV, showgirl, summer
1963.Model agents for me: Dorian Leigh Parker,
Paris, France, 1964-1965. Wilhelmina, New York, NY,
1971-1972. Talents, Milan, 1972-1973. Gavin Robinson,
London, 1973; and other model agents in Europe and US.
Acting agents: Mort Schwarz, Ann Wright, Jane Broder, New
York, NY; ICM, Rome, 1973; Dale Garrick, LA, 1975-1977;
Paul Kohner, 1976-1977, LA McKinsey & Company, New York,
NY, associate editor-line and structural editing and
rewriting of management consultants' reports and
presentations, 1967-1968.
World Book Encyclopaedia, New York, NY, updater and
editor on previous articles on countries and sole
researcher and sole writer on new articles on additional
countries, 1968.
IBM World Trade, New York, NY, solo outside consultant to
top IBM World Trade management and solo researcher and
writer on assigned large international topics, the
results reviewed by the Director of IBM World Trade (I
was 27 to 28 years old), 1969, 1970.
Other employment: actress, spokewoman,
voiceovers, conventions, demonstrations, promotions,
reservationist for airlines, Las Vegas,
NV and New York, NY, 1961-1972.
Secretarial, word processing, administrative support,
proofreader, typist, encoder, typesetter, fax, telex,
data entry, dictaphone, fast long hand,
technical writing, financial research, legal secretary,
paralegal, as a temporary and part time employee often
through temporary agencies, New York, NY, 1984-1989,
Chemical Bank, American Express Co., Morgan Stanley,
Editor & Publisher, Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft, Finley
Kumble Wagner, Kelley Drye & Warren, Merrill Lynch & Co.,
Lehman Bros., Allen & Company, other law offices and
Computer programs used at work and in my apartment: Wang,
Atari, Displaywrite, Word Perfect, MS Office, and data
entry systems, 1984 on.
Crooks illegally tapped my residence and office
phones, illegally cut off my mail, watched me with
concealed surveillance that I could not locate in my
apartment, and illegally read my private non-published
material in my apartment, and stole and plagiarized and
assaulted, tailed, poisoned, and plagued me 1982 on in
Think tanks, research organizations, intellectually high
level organizations or companies or similar entities
would be appropriate, such as the Princeton
Institute, Watson Research Center, Rand.
I am probably one of the most intelligent and
talented ever. I should have spent my entire life among
the most brilliant living; most of my life I have been
surrounded by people very inferior to me. My careers have
been maliciously and criminally ruined by people around
me repeatedly. I have an idea for a new measurement of
intelligence. I have never taken a course on
this topic, but it is one of my many life long interests.
Both my parents were exceptionally brilliant,
imaginative, creative, and artistic.
I wrote a brief book late 2000 and copyrighted it but
cannot publish it; it is very relevant to the current
environment and should have been published. 2/2/2002
My resume is currently on America's Job Bank; it was on
Nevada, but I am changing it to New York. Since the US
Dept of Labor and state departments of labor provide the
site and the IRS perhaps has records of many of my jobs
and dates, I think I am validating my statements by
putting my resume on there.3/1/2002
I have not been hired when the workers and the
applicants were all or nearly all inferior to me
intellectually. According to the Encyclopaedia
of Human Intelligence in the charts for US Army testing
for WWI and WWII and the US Dept. of Labor statistics for
c 1970, the mean IQ and range of IQ's for most of the
jobs I did in New York City 1984-1993 were much lower
than my IQ; due to the fact that it has been very
hard if not impossible for me to get any job for about 11
years I wonder what the explanation for this is. In
addition, the people who considered me for jobs did not
ask important questions and did not do adequate fact
checking when considering me for employment. I mean, what
is going on? It appears that the public and
employers deliberately refuse to hire me because
they do not want me to have any money and want to
steal all my possessions and to force themselves on me
and that they want me to be defenseless and they
want to put me through the hoops and through their
contrived illegal often situations in order to
pick my mind for free.
Current Emergency: 2/19/02 12:37pm, Las Vegas, NV.
Recently my car was illegally seized and towed by
crooks who do not want me to have any money;
they were tracking me and knew I wanted to sell the car
to pay for storage and to leave Las Vegas and return to
New York City. They want to seize for nothing my
possessions now in storage here. Las Vegas is a
hostile, terrible, crooked environment; most of the
residents are blue collar; they have been overcharging me
since I got here and they do not want to hire me or pay
me for anything although I am smarter than most of those
they are hiring; they want me to be a cripple
and for me to receive Federal payments and Federal
housing payments so that I bring in money from outside
the state; they do not want to pay me any money. I do not
want to be a cripple or to be ripped off here and I want
to return to New York City immediately for urgent medical
problems and other reasons. I returned to New York City.
Pre 10/82
1958 Knappens caused my teenage brother to run away from
1960 theft of my clothes by Ruth
Timberlake Prokop and Daryll Quinn both of whom were my
guests at my debut in NYC.
1960 Ruth Timberlake got me thrown out of dormitory for
no good reason and through malicious false talk got me
thrown out of sorority by same tactics.
1962 - 1963 Giuseppe Morra made me severely ill
for a long time and bedridden, and I missed
college classes which hurt my academic career and I was
not back to normal for several years.
C 1968 Aunt Gorgianna Knappen almost killed me in
a car accident when she was driving and was
Late 1960's on Knappens engaged in severe defamation vs.
me and behind my back legal actions against me based on
deliberate lies; they maliciously caused severe trouble
and financial losses for my parents, contributed to
divorce and trouble between my parents. I had
been the heir of the Wadmonds off and on since the late
1970 on models, model agents, theatrical agents and
others stole material from me. 1970 on Aunt Georgianna,
Erwin Schaeffer, States Coyle, Cousin Ted and Aunt
Georgianna Knappen, and Katherine Laurelle illegally
ruined my career in different fields- modeling and
acting; Erwin Schaeffer attempted to completely end my
career in a field through illegal and nefarious means.
1970-1974 I was deliberately forced out of
housing due to Wadmonds, McCrareys and their
friend, Goddell, Leslie Feldman. Walter Scholz, Elita,
and others deliberately defamed me and conspired
to get me disinherited. Erwin Schaeffer, John
Moore, and Don Goddell set me up with harmful
Erwin Schaeffer, John Howell, and States Coyle illegally
tailed me, and they and Walter Scholz illegally
got confidential information regarding me and spread it
around, lied, and defamed my character to have me
disinherited. Those illegally meddling in my careers and
setting me up for robberies and squeezing me out of
housing illegally caused me to lose property I could not
replace or afford to lose. My cousin Polly
Knappen accused me as did her mother c 1970 that I
blacklisted her with McKinsey in Washington so she was
not hired; all completely lies.
The Knappens were so jealous of me and resentful
of my superior brains, looks, glamorous life, TV
appearances, beautiful pictures, etc, and were so vicious
tongued that I had to completely stop speaking to them or
having anything to do with them. Aunt Georgianna
and my cousins Ted and Nat and Polly Knappen worked on my
mother behind my back and were instrumental in
brainwashing her with Christian Science lies and
encouraged her to divorce my father and live with them
and pay them room and board out of her money from my
father in the early 1970's. And the Knappens got money
out of mother for witch doctor Christian Science
practitioners, which money came from my father.
Aunt Georgianna and Ted and Polly wrote vicious
hysterical letters and made similar phone calls to me and
my father. From the early 1970's on Aunt Georgianna,
Polly, Nat, and Ted Knappen wrote hostile, crazy,
completely untrue and vicious letters and made similar
phone calls for years to my father and to me and some to
my brother.
In the summer of 1970 the Wadmonds pressured me to leave
my furnished studio apartment, 138 E 37 St, to stay in
their Park Ave apartment in the tiny maid's room; I had
to get someone in my apartment to pay the rent on it, and
I then could not move back into my furnished apartment
and lost it.
Then I was maliciously booted around by a woman Dennis
McCrarey referred me to; I helped her paint her
apartment, I moved my furniture into her bare apartment
and paid for the move in 1970; with no warning or excuse
she suddenly forced me to move out; I had to pay for
another costly move and put my possessions in storage,
find another apartment, move again, and it cost a lot,
took a lot of time, and it disrupted my acting and
modeling career and caused financial losses and harm to
my career as an actress plus worsened my life style.
I moved into a smaller apartment that necessitated my
keeping most of my things in storage.
C 1972 Don Goddell set me up with a woman sleaze to live
in my furnished apartment while I was modeling in Europe;
she wrote me in Europe that she had left the apartment,
and I had to break modeling assignments to come back to
New York City to pack my possessions in my apartment,
store them, and I lost a lot of money, and this was very
costly, and I gave up the apartment before I returned to
Europe for modeling.
C 1973 robbery in Milan of my modeling book and
all my 1000 pounds of property including irreplaceable
writings and jewelry severely disrupted my very
successful modeling and acting career; probably this
robbery was set up by States Coyle or Erwin Schaeffer in
New York City. C 1974 Seth Baker in New
York City in a financially ruinous, devastating, severely
damaging theft for me stole a very valuable irreplaceable
heirloom from me. In Los Angeles in 1974 on, a
shady jerk, Walter Rosen Scholz referred to material in
my nonpublished notes I kept in my apartment and that I
never showed anyone and that he could only have known
about by having someone illegally get them and copy them
and read them; Walter also defamed my character and lied
maliciously about my past and contacted the Wadmonds in
New York City and lied to them; he also set me up
illegally in a sleazy attempt to extort funds from me; he
also approached my father and tried to pump him when my
father was not with me (c 1974-1978).
When I was in Los Angeles from c 1975 on the Knappens
went behind my back to my agents and employers and got me
thrown out and tried to get me thrown out and fired in
LA, and they maliciously contacted mother's nursing homes
and lied about us and caused trouble for me and my
Around 1975 when I and my parents were in Los Angeles and
the Knappens were still in Northern Virginia, the
Knappens without my knowledge or consent contacted a
Christian Science practitioner in Los Angeles, Katherine
Laurelle, who wanted my father to pay her, which he would
not; she called without my consent my acting agent and
caused trouble for me with him because she was a former
agent and she wanted me to leave the agency; I ended up
leaving the agency due to her poisoning of my agent's
Also, Laurelle was conspiring to have a film made about
me and my parents, a fil made with the Kohner agency,
which was my agency; she did this behind my back in order
to keep me out of the film, which I did not know about
until it was aired on TV.
My Aunt Georgianna Knappen flew out to Los
Angeles, went into my mother's hospital, poisoned the
minds of the staff, and conspired against me and my
father. Col. Robert Kreuter became a
co-conspirator, and he lied ("I have cancer of the
prostate") to me and my father, and he maliciously set up
my father in my presence in Los Angeles.
The Knappens were threatening to the lives of my parents;
I told the Knappens to leave us alone, and I changed our
nonpublished number again, and I took other steps to
defend us against them.
In Los Angeles Walter Scholz from 1975 on repeatedly set
me up without my knowledge or consent and tried to make
me pay him for services I had not agreed to. He also
called behind my back my agents and told them malicious
lies about me and infuriated them and one of them threw
me out. He also called the Wadmonds in New York and
dumped malicious lies about me and my parents on them. He
told me that he was rich and would be inheriting a lot
more soon.
In Los Angeles from 1975 on I was wrongly sued, falsely
accused by a court in LA, against which false charges I
cleared myself, probably due to the Knappens (Ted and Nat
are lawyers) who went behind my back and complained about
c 1976 Georgianna Knappen flew out to LA to land on my
sick mother's bed and to pump her and the nursing home
staff and then pass it on to my agent behind my back and
to contribute to films based on me and my parents, which
films were contrived behind my back and without my
knowledge or consent. Georgianne's, other Knappens', and
Katherine Laurelle's direct approach to my agent (Kohner)
caused me trouble and resulted in my leaving the agency c
C 1978 in LA I was assaulted from behind and
knocked down on my lawn where the assailant beat me, this
was probably set up by a member of the LAPD living in my
apartment complex or someone else who knew I was an
actress. An LAPD cop who was a lookalike for
someone I knew in LA knocked on the door of my apartment.
LAPD officers knocked on my door with another hoax
sending me on a false goose chase about a fake medical
alert pertaining to me.
Names of Malicious and Criminal Before 1982 (Dates of
Acquaintanceship and of Criminal Activities)
Baker, Seth H., international playboy, c 1974 owner
manager Manor Care, Towson, MD, c 1974-? managing ed Los
Angeles Magazine, New York, Los Angeles, Palm Springs;
Coyle, States Wm., Cornell Univ., BA, c1963, MBA Columbia
U, c 1969, marketing with Standard Brands, c 1970-1972,
NYC, London c 1973, c 1974 New York City and Los Angeles;
Ferguson, Uncle Wilson, insurance, Pinkerton
investigator, Penn State grad, NYC, died c 1977;
Fortucci, Paola, George Washington University graduate c
1962, Johns Hopkins post grad student, c1962, economist
IFC, Washington, DC, c 1963-1964?; Godell, Donald,
lawyer, Columbia University Law School graduate, ITT,
Community Club, St Bartholomew's, c1968-early 1970's,
NYC; Howell, John D., Life Mag., advertising, sales, c
1967-1968, NYC; Knappen, Georgianne, Aunt, Christian
Scientist, married to Theodore Knappen who was founder of
TAMS, lived in No. VA, 1960's on; Knappen, Cousin
Nathaniel, Vassar, BA and U of VA LLB, lawyer, worked in
NYC and Ithaca, NYC, late 1960's on; Knappen, Cousin
Theodore, lawyer, U of VA BA and LLB, lives in VA, vice
president of Greyhound in Washington, DC in 1970's,
1980's, 1990's, Christian Scientist, late 1960's on;
Knappen, Cousin Polly Knappen (married Randy Barnes),
Christian Scientist, BA Univ. of Penn., lived in MD,
worked in restaurants, retired, lived on a boat in
Baltimore, late 1960's on; Kohner, Walter, Paul Kohner
Agency, Los Angeles, CA., c1975-1978; LAPD c1977-1981;
Laurelle, Katherine, Christian Science practictioner, Los
Angeles, CA., c 1977-1978; Moore, John S,. lawyer,
Harvard BA, LLB Stanford, Park Sheraton, NYC, brother of
Robin Moore, 1973 on; Morra, Giuseppe, c1960-1964, editor
in World Bank, Washington, DC, GWU grad., 1960's on;
Prokop, Ruth Timberlake, c 1959-1964, BA & LLB GWU,
lawyer, Washington, DC; Quinn, Daryll, student, GWU,
Washington, DC, engaged to Russell Jones who was an
Annapolis student, c 1959-1960, 1960's on; Schaeffer,
Erwin, Schaeffer & Assoc, salesman KMart & Italian
sunglasses, NYC & Montreal, c 1967-1990's; Scholz, Walter
Rosen, BA Boston U, actor, producer, heir and relative of
founder of Caramoor, NYC & Los Angeles, c 1969-1990's;
Wadmond, Elita, wife of Lowell Wadmond, NYC, c
1967-1990's; Wadmond, Lowell, lawyer, White & Case, NYC,
c 1967-1990's; Wilhelmina, model agent, NYC, c 1969-1974.
After 1/82 (when my father died)
The new technology was already creating dangerous crooked
meddlers in Washington, DC, area in 1982 when crooked
meddlers with PCÂ's in their homes, university computer
staff, and others were doing strange illegal things with
the phone networking; 1982 in No. Virginia I was
set me up deliberately with physical assaults including
with deadly weapons, small boulders thrown at my head by
someone (probably set up by Knappens or Gary
Lynn Jordan).
In 1982 when I was living in an apartment in Arlington,
VA, a roommate set up a crooked racket on my phone; I had
to go to court as a consequence; I threw him out; I won
in court; but I think that someone else I knew had a hand
in setting up the phone rackets.
10/82- I fully owned all the possessions; I had a major
credit card, cash in the bank, excellent health, youthful
looks, a lot of credits and original intellectual
property, and ambitious plans.
10/82 When I moved from Washington, DC, back to
New York City, and drove a rented truck full of my
possessions (several thousand pounds) and towed my car
behind the truck and was driving alone, Beth Buchter, Cy
Charas, Charles Parl, and probably Vance Jordan ganged up
on me behind my back and cut the brakes on my truck, had
my car sideswiped while I was towing it and driving the
truck alone, and set me up in a bogus apartment in Queens
that I had paid for but could not move into, and
Beth suggested I move into her house in New Rochelle,
which house was a booby trap of set up references to
personal facts regarding me and my past, which I had not
told her about; she was illegally scheming against me
with other trash; her motive was financial; I brushed off
and refused to acknowledge or comment on her sly
suggestions and insinuations. She was my former classmate
at Rosemary Hall for three years ,and she had never acted
illegally against me before, and I was not expecting her
illegal trap.
After 1982 in New York City I got very strange phone
calls, and people I called on my home phone were saying
strange things, e.g. Margaret Ferguson Hansen; they
alluded to illegalities I had not told anyone about,
personal references about material they had no legal or
known access to.
1983 Gunnar Theel set me up to deliberately wreck
the motor and engine of my car so he would split the
costly repair bill with crooked mechanics in the location
he did this.
1983 I was set up with a premeditated purse
snatching in Queens. In 1982-1984 the Wadmonds
wanted to meet prominent relatives and friends I had in
others fields and they illegally eavesdropped on
my phone calls and called without my consent relatives
and others and caused trouble for me and poisoned their
minds. I was illegally and deliberately cut off
from superior relatives and others starting in 10/82 in
Walter Scholz, the Wadmonds, and others illegally
tapping my home phones and illegally tailing me from 1983
on prevented me from getting or keeping employment and
illegally cut off my career plans for years.
1983 on malicious crooked scheming against me including
direct quotes to information about me they had illegally
acquired through eavesdropping on the phone and illegally
reading my nonpublished personal letters, journals,
files, etc. that I kept in my apartment and never showed
anyone; Elita Wadmond, Walter Scholz, Gail Lloyd, my
brother, Betty Foster, and others maliciously did this to
bait me and upset me.
In 1983 I was set up with a conniving crooked Hungarian
mathematician in Mensa, Attila Mate. Staff in mother's
nursing home had obviously been approached by someone
other than myself from 1983 on and said and did hostile
and odd things and referred to and alluded to things they
had been told about me or my family.
From 1983-1987 Walter Scholz continued to illegally call
my employers behind my back cause trouble for me. Also,
the Wadmonds interfered behind my back with my employment
and told the employment agents and personnel in the jobs
things about me that they should not have told them and I
never gave them consent to do that. They leaked
important and financially valuable and relevant
information behind my back at work, causing me to lose
control over my own life and assets and story; they went
behind my back and called people in DC and elsewhere and
called around and asked strangers to them questions about
me and believed everything they heard; Walter Scholz also
did this, also illegally eavesdropped, called around, and
asked strangers to them questions about me and told them
malicious lies. In 1984 Wadmonds, Gail Lloyd,
Walter Scholz, Dorothy Booraem, crooked NYPD and
others colluded in stealing my car. By 11/84 all
the cash I had had and the major credit card, were also
In 1984 the Wadmonds and Booraem specifically told me to
finish writing the novel I was working on; I did; then
the Wadmonds dumped the book and dismissed it without
reading a sentence of it. They caused me to get into a
bad spot financially, risking being thrown out of the
apartment, making it impossible to replace the car they
stole or to move out of the apartment; I was down to zero
cash as a result. They illegally ended my social
life; I was illegally cut off from important friends,
relatives, and occasions. They cut me out of acting,
modeling, temp work through interference with my phone
calls and hostile tails. Crooked employers and employees
in offices 1984 on maliciously caused trouble for me at
work and fired me. They cut me out of acting, modeling,
temp work illegally through interference with my phone
calls and hostile tails. Crooked Employers employees in
offices 1984 on in NYC they planted hostile crooked
coworkers in offices with me and illegally cut off my
employment and fired me deliberately.
1983 - 1984 I was swindled out of money by the Wadmonds
who said I was going to have a lot of money from them,
going to have a new car from them, they made a lot of
other promises including publishing my book; none of
which they did, but they urged me to spend my money.
The Wadmonds swindled me out of my money and
deliberately put me in a financial bind and gloated
maliciously (1982-1984); also, Walter Rose
Scholz was in on that; the Wadmonds reneged on their
promises regarding finding and/or replacing my car they
stole in 1984, buying my book for $1,000,000, making me
their heir, leaving me their apartment, etc.
Walter Scholz and others in NYC illegally prevented me
from 1984 on from publishing a novel I wrote c 1983 -
1987. I could not write or publish in New York City after
1984 due to the crooked circumstances imposed on me.
All employers I worked for from 1984 on were
themselves crooked schemers against me and or had such as
coworkers; taxi limo drivers illegally meddled with me.
Employment agencies illegally set me up in bad jobs where
I had illegal trouble aimed at me. 1983 gas sabotage
caused me to miss important funeral of a relative. I
could not write or publish in New York City after 1984
due to the crooked circumstances imposed on me.
I was told often 1984 on that I was being sued,
was going to be taken to court for multiple charges, etc.
My phone calls had been intercepted by others
pretending to be the person I was calling; the first
incident I noticed was in 1984 when I phoned out on my
home phone. In many of the law offices
I worked in the attorneys were acting strangely and
deliberately talking strangely; making many
references to personal details I had not told them about,
including about activities inside my apartment when I was
there alone and there was no one else visible in the
I was being followed by strange people,
including every time I left NYC for DC or VA I
was tailed by strangers who accosted me in line, sat next
to me in the bus, tried to pump me, gave me unsolicited
advice, etc. I was being maliciously hazed by insulting
and hostile and crooked people since I returned to NYC in
10/82. My social life was ended due to illegal phone
taps, concealed surveillance other criminal
acts. Michael McGehee 1985 tried to scare me
into leaving NYC where I was living and not to return to
my apartment and to move to Atlanta immediately, and
he poisoned me.
May 1985 when I was illegally forced out of the apartment
by Zuckermanns, Betty Foster, Walter Scholz, Jack Lynch
others illegally meddling with my premeditated actions
primarily because of those who did it.
May 1985 I was illegally forced out of a crooked
apartment into a worse and more crooked apartment in
Queens. From May 1985 when I moved into 41-15 75
St, Apt. 6, Elmhurst, NY 11373 because I was illegally
forced out of the previous apartment I was living in,
crooked cops and others including fire dept.
wired my apt. with concealed cameras and bugs and cut off
my job searches and phone calls, and my mail was
illegally disrupted crooks in the local post office.
1985 on many plagiarized and stole nonpublished material
I kept in my apartment and they marketed it. others
including lawyers 1987 on referred to and apparently were
in on crooked interference in my mail including forgery,
bogus letters, bogus invitations, attempts to set
me up on booby traps in others states where I would be
isolated and surrounded by crooks, etc. Walter
and others including Betty Foster ganged up against me
behind my back with my crooked landlords Zuckerman and
Chin Su Ling and illegally forced me to move out in May
1985 when Jack Lynch and others steered me to an
apartment in Elmhurst that they said would be better but
was worse. It had more concealed cameras and bugs I could
never get rid of. In 1985 Walter Scholz lied to
Episcopalian clergy about me and convinced them I was
paranoid about the phone tap and the clergy and Walter
said I had no tap, although Walter knew I did have a tap.
Crooked employment agencies and agents included: 1985
Sloan, 1985 Mr. Kaye, 1984 Essex, 1984 Georgie Girls,
1986 Personnel Pool. Among the crooked employers or
offices where I was followed to the job by crooked new
employees and others from outside the office and where
crooked occurrences against me were staged: Feurstein,
through Sloan temps on a project for Cadwallader in
1985-1986 1985 Editor& Publisher, Marion Larson, Bill,
Rachel In and others. In 1986 Allen & Company- Lin
Illusorio, Naomi Johnson. 1987- Finley Kumble Wagner-
many word processors, Tab Rosenfeld, and other lawyers;
Kraver & Parker, 1988; 1988, Kelly Drye- word processors,
lawyers connected to FKW, to a firebombed taxi in
front of me across from Tiffany's, 2 jackknifed semi
trailers blocking traffic on the highway near my exit
when I was in a limo on the way back to my apartment in
Queens. They illegally contributed to the horrific death
of my mother in 1987. C 1988 someone set
up a snare in the street near my apartment; this snare
was intended to cause me to fall and cause a serious
permanent injury; I fell, was severely injured, was
slated for surgery, but luckily escaped it. All
this was apparently worse suddenly around 1988 when
either someone I had known got new equipment, or
the NYPD got new tracking and surveillance
equipment, or surveillance equipment became used more by
truck drivers, and taxi drivers were also linking through
their radios, city employees were being linked and
contacted about me; people in offices I entered were
apparently being contacted or had just been contacted
about me by people outside; strangers apparently linked
to illegally acquired information about me were following
me; coworkers were doing the same, and my entire life
drastically deteriorated and worsened. Tthe
behavior was hostile, crooked, harmful; they were
obviously baiting and hazing and threatening me.
Generally, I ignored all of them and never said anything
or acknowledged.
Also, people including NYPD needled me with information.
In late 1980's I was deliberately given an
irregular very fast pulse by a pharmacist. I was
maliciously threatened in and out of offices.
In the late 1980's a Haitian deliberately caused
a large hematoma in my arm. In late 1989 TM
Lipscomb set me up with a Walker, Esq., a blind date
Lipscomb introduced me to, and they put something
m my drink that caused me to suddenly be unable to walk
well, and I thought I would fall down in the street; they
were working with a cop outside who apparently was hoping
I was going to fall down in the street, and my
crooked date Walker Esq. suggested I go to his house in
Westchester with him; of course I did not.
In the late 1980's the Barclay's Bank in Queens
where I had my account was bombed out in the front, a set
up blew out the window at the time I usually went there
and someone tried to link me to this. My phone
calls in my apartment, outside public phones, and in the
offices where I worked were being cut off.
At Birnbaum & Birnbaum c 1989 when I phoned Haliburton
Fales at White & Case the phone line went dead and I was
fired from the job.
In 1989 I was probably deliberately given a heart
attack in a crooked law office, Virag.
Others deliberately overdosed and drugged me to
cause heart problems (in a NYC hospital). The
following crooked lawyers colluded illegally against me:
Birnbaum, Cadwallader, Kanter & Bergman, Finley Kumble,
Mangiatorde, Jennings & Grimble, Robt McKay, Nat and Ted
Knappen, John Moore, Virag, Kelley Drye, White &
Case-Rutherford, Edgerton, Fales, Wadmond; GL Jordon.
After 10/82 -several tried to scare me into leaving New
York City where I was living, illegally prevented me from
publishing, illegally prevented me from getting and/or
keeping employment, illegally cut off my career plans for
The town of Elmhurst near my former address there
in the late 1980's, 1989, blitzed me illegally inside and
outside my apartment and illegally cut off my
communications and my income and illegally forced me to
spend all my savings; they set me up with hoaxes through
illegal means; they drugged me illegally; they illegally
got into my apartment and deliberately broke my furniture
and irreplaceable art objects. After 7/90 when
I was illegally forced out of my apartment (my crooked
landlord and others illegally cut off my phone and mail
employment search) my address books, all my possessions
(insert 9/10/02)including several thousand pounds of
personal effects, writing, a thousand or so unusual and
many irreplaceable books, my brilliant and original and
exceptional files and notes and writings including
poetry, a novel, short stories, my modeling books,
pictures of my family and relatives; photos of my
mother, one of the most beautiful women who ever lived;
photos of my father, one of the handsomest men who ever
lived; geneological data including material
pertaining to eminent relatives, records of employment
and education, special awards and honors,
recommendations, medical records of mine and of my father
and of my mother, special events and invitations, press
clippings, my letters and letters sent to me by others,
my legal files, my address book containing names and
addresses of important people and relatives and
acquaintances and business connections) were stolen or
seized by crooks who premeditated it; they wanted
notoriety for themselves and to use me as an unpaid PR
agent and billboard for their favored schemes, and they
counted on getting attention due to the fact that I was
related to and had known many famous and well known
people previously.
I have not gotten anything out of this period 10/82 on
and have had only losses due to crooked schemes against
me, 1982 on by Parl, etc, then Wadmond, Scholz, then many
I was maliciously bombarded and mobbed; people
illegally bugged and kept concealed cameras in my
apartment and tapped and interfered with my phone calls
and mail; they plagiarized and stole nonpublished
material I kept in my apartment and did not show to
anyone. Also, they set up theft, robbery, poison,
malicious crooked tails, physical assaults and fall;
illegally meddled with my mail. They caused severe
illness and injury. The Wadmonds, Walter Scholz,
Gail Lloyd, Betty Foster, and others dragged all of this
out for many years and kept needling me and baiting me;
also, they lied and defamed my character and tried to
cause trouble with the Wadmonds so I would have no money;
they said I had had an affair with Lowell, which is
completely untrue but certain to annoy Elita, which is
why they said it; Walter Scholz, Betty Foster, and others
were repeating the same theme, and were needling me on
the phone, apparently hoping that Elita Wadmond was
eavesdropping and would hear it.
Hostile tails followed me on my job searches and
deliberately through illegal interference caused me not
to get jobs I had to stop using my phone. I
thought I was still the Wadmonds heir.
Malicious and crooked trash including cops followed me to
my jobs and got jobs wherever I worked after I got the
job and deliberately caused trouble for me at work or
tried to get me fired or did get me fired for no good
reason. Walter Scholz, Marion Larson, and others
maliciously behind my back axed me with literary agents
about my book and tried to persuade me my book was
terrible. I did not believe them. I got from 1985 on
letters and invitations from and meetings with relatives
and former acquaintances perhaps and forged letters and
invitations to visits and meetings, bum steers, including
Gary Lynn Jordan, Jean Shepard Martin, Mrs. Wm. Brown,
Capt. Harry H. Caldwell, Col. Bob Kreuter, Col. Samouce,
Ted Knappen, my brother, Nat Knappen, Ted and Robin
I could never get rid of the phone or mail interferences
from 1982 on. Rodents were deliberately placed in
my apartments repeatedly. People in the apartment
buildings deliberately screamed through the floors and in
the hall and outside the window to upset and worry me. My
apartment was apparently wired with cameras and bugs that
were broadcasting outside my apartment. People
that had illegally caused trouble for me and cut me off
from my more agreeable and important and successful
relatives and friends blitzed me with new illegal high
tech networks against which I have no chance.
on a sadistic spree of robbery, freeloading, empire
building, publicity making malicious dangerous stunts.
Hostile women in historical societies set me up
with malicious hoaxes. I n late 1989-1990
apparently new equipment, high tech, worsened my position
drastically. I could not get any job and was being
tailed, pursued, cut off from employers and employment
and hired by boguses: Jennings & Grimble 1990 and
Mangiatorde 1993. In early 1990's on E 53 St a Negro
murderously premeditatedly slammed my head with a very
heavy object. The public has continued with the
cooperation of cops and others in government to pursue,
accost, rob, assault, and push me down illegally.
There is no remedy for this and I specifically
oppose a further build up of high tech as a realistic
Since 1982 when I returned to New York City former
acquaintances and new acquaintances have been illegally
conspiring against me including NYPD, NYNEX employees,
people in the apartment houses where I was living, the
landlords, new people I met at Mensa gatherings, at
invitation only gatherings of other groups I belonged to
and at social gatherings at St Bartholomew's Episcopal
Church, at job interviews, on jobs, at functions
advertised in the papers. The situation became much worse
in NYC. High tech has blitzed me out, often
illegally and deliberately. Since 1990 all my property
has been stolen from me or seized by crooks. A wagon full
of my writings was stolen by crooks from me in
Washington, DC, in 1990's.
They wanted to abuse me, at the same time steal
intellectual property from me, get access to prominent,
successful, high ranking, well known people I had known;
they obviously misunderstood my background, my life, my
personality; they thought they could lie, bully, and
confuse me into introducing them to people I would never
introduce trash like that to.
Crooked freeloaders and jerks including cops got the
wrong notion that they could quickly get access to
Hollywood stars, rich people, producers, famous actors,
high ranking generals and others through me. This is not
true. Jerks have been following me around to steal and
freeload for many years. The new technology made the
entire situation for me much worse.
Obviously people have been illegally cutting me off from
my rich, prominent, correct relatives, friends, and
acquaintances for many years now; they have done it
through the phone, the mail, personal in person
interception, and other tactics. They also wanted to use
me as an unpaid beggar and PR person and fundraiser for
themselves or their pet project. I am not an unpaid
fundraiser for anyone; I am not an unpaid file cabinet
for unsolicited material; I am not an unpaid servant or
errand boy or teacher, coach, guidance counselor,
advisor. I do not introduce people merely because they
want to meet someone I know. I dislike social climbers.
This entire period 1982 on has been a disaster for me. I
do not like the interferences, illegal meddling, or
unreasonable pressures on me for years by strangers and
unwelcome acquaintances.
People illegally moved in on me in my apartments
and used them as a lab for their crooked experiments on
1982 on people have stolen all my possessions and they
stole all my intellectual property through illegal means
including stealing the papers they were written on,
physically seizing the papers, illegally getting access
to the papers when I was not in my apartment or room,
illegally keeping concealed visual surveillance of me and
illegally eavesdropping on my phone conversations,
intercepting my mail, illegally tailing me, illegally
keeping surveillance on me at work. They prevented me
illegally from marketing my own intellectual property and
they deliberately illegally ruined my careers and all my
endeavors in all fields. They illegally cut off
my social life. The intellectual
property they stole from me has been used as the basis
for much of the software and computer programs that have
come out since 1982; also they stole other material that
has been used in politics, advertising, publishing,
movies, and other fields. They destroyed my
peace of mind, my pleasure and have made every day an
affliction. They did this through fraud and lies also, to
pin me down under their thumb, and keep me in a weak,
poor, inferior position, away from more successful,
smarter, nicer people I have known. They did this
primarily because they knew my father had died and they
wanted to take advantage of me and clean me out
illegally. They impoverished me, destroyed my income, and
some want me to work on increasing income for
impoverished people, themselves; I will not do this;
the trash that illegally did this to me wanted to
force me to be their unpaid servant; I think they should
be exterminated, not paid.
I have been illegally run over by inferior trash since my
father died 1/82.
Much worse in NYC since I returned has been a gross and
vulgar and crooked invasion illegally of my apartments
and continuous illegal surveillance of me visually and
orally and tailing of me by inferior very frightening and
dangerous assaultive trash including large number of
African Americans and mulattos-- none of whom I know. I
have attempted to reach successful smart honest and
honorable people I have known but the crooked trash on my
tail has been illegally cutting off my mail and phone
calls and other communications still.
In haste below are some of the names and incidents of
this crooked garbage that I can identify somewhat: 1990
spring a crooked set up in No. Virginia involving Jack
Macidull; crooks who stole my footlocker containing
valuable writings of mine and other invaluable property
while I was in the DC Greyhound bus station; my cousin
Ted Knappen, a Greyhound employee; Kuchera near capital
hill in DC in the 1990's and the disgusting crooks in his
house; the mailmen and the workers in the post offices
that handled mail addressed to me at my residences and
post office boxes and general delivery stations in New
York City from 1982 on; thieves who stole my cell phone,
stole several luggage carriers, 12/15/99 stole my luggage
carrier and large bag on it with many personal papers
including many ID's (NYPD and African Americans and
others in the neighborhood did this); set up vicious
assaults on me; massive plagiarism of what I do in the
NYC public library and elsewhere; no replies to my job
search although I am more qualified than most of the
applicants and the employed. Chin Su Ling; Queens court;
in the 1990 summer. C 1992 Citibank guards stole my
address book from the lower level where I was sitting and
put the names in my address book on their crooked list
and deleted them from directories and contacted them and
caused trouble for me; 1985 Editor & Publisher; 1985 on
Elmhurst Hospital staff; 1988 Kraver & Parker; 1983-85
Jamaica Hospital. 1982 McCrarey. 1985 McGehee. 1982 Ned
O'Gorman. Greyhound bus station personnel; DC cops;
riffraff who followed me to DC from NYC in; in 1990
Greyhound personel stole my suitcase with my original
solo literary writings and other valuable property; they
are crooked very low grade sadists including very dumb
Afro-Americans; I never recovered any of my property.
In 1999 I was set up with an assault by crooked NYPD and
others in the 47th St area. My computer was
deliberately broken repeated in 1999-2000 by library
personnel and repair people. Other crooks: the
Maddoxes in Greenwich, Christ Episcopal Church in
Greenwich, Lydia Stevens Justin, John Moore, Peter Braun
in Greenwich in the 1990's; in the 1990's Dick Hochman,
1985 -1990 Pakistani newsmen on the corner near my
Elmhurst apt; Korean, Chinese, Phillipine, Irish,
Peruvian, Afganistan neighbors in Elmhurst; my mail was
stolen from me and read by others; forged replies were
sent to me including attempts to set me up with dangerous
bogus meetings with hoaxes; owners of nearby pay phones;
crooked cops; others impersonated people I was calling
and cut off my phone calls.
Unidentified strangers tailed me to work and job
searches; to social functions I attended; others
illegally snooped into my private business for years and
maliciously illegally caused trouble for me there.
Someone in NYC in 1982 on behind my back illegally
contacted previous acquaintances, persuaded them to do
hostile crooked things to me, to scheme against me, to
lie to me and to others; to try to do numbers on me.
I was tailed by unidentified hostile undesirable
oddballs and accosted by them. Someone behind my
back contacted staff in mother's location and caused
malicious trouble there with the staff.
In 1985 crooked NYPD came into my apartment when I asked
for a security check; they illegally colluded against me
in setting up illegal concealed surveillance against me
in the apartments. They illegally deliberately ruined me
financially and forced me due to their crooked moves to
spend all my savings.
I was set up with false arrest in Manhattan in 1990 and
have had pests and thieves on me tailing me back and
forth across the US. I have been repeated robbed,
including thefts of a lot of my personal papers and
documents in Washington, DC. in the mid-1990's.
Early 1990's theft again of my address book, 1990 on
illegal seizure several times of all my possessions that
were in storage by criminals colluding; collusion and
fraud against me regarding my possessions in storage 1990
on, forced sale of valuable irreplaceable family jewelry
and silver. The people who did all this are bums
and trash, and there is no excuse for it. I will never
deal with or have anything to do with low class people
(including cops) or crooked schemers below my normal and
usual levels. I have been illegally cut off for
about 20 years from some people I knew, including some
that have died (according to the newspapers) with
conditions that are just unbelievable. The public
has gone on a crooked crime spree targeting me for many
years; they are cowards and bullies acting in packs; they
have previous information that I am in a weak position,
so they gang up against me. I avoid all of them and have
not kept contact with any of those I am convinced are
part of the crooked packs. One way I am getting out of
this is to avoid all those I know are or were crooked and
scheming against me, and I avoid any involvments or
meetings or conversations with crooks I have identified
including crooked groups such as the NYPD. I am
leery about reporting crimes to the cops because they are
crooked schemers who are apt to make things worse.
I was set up (I think) with an assault in a
Catholic shelter in the early 1990's during which I was
assaulted and slammed to the floor and hurled across the
room into table legs that injured my head.
After 10/82 - return to NYC- Names of Criminals (Dates of
Criminal Activities against Me, most were in spring 1990
actions) After 10/82 - return to NYC- Names of Criminals
(Dates of Criminal Activities against Me, most were in
spring 1990 actions) Afghanistan neighbors in my
apartment building in Elmhurst, c 1985-1990, spring 1990;
Allen & Company, employer 1986, 1986-1990's, spring 1990;
Allen, Herbert, investment banker, Allen & Company, c
1987-1990; Barclay's Bank, Queens, near Elmhurst, c 1988;
Barnes, Polly, (Knappen, Georgianne, below); Biehl, Fred,
lawyer, spring 1990; Bill, editor at Editor & Publisher,
1985; Bilsky, Pauline, former editor at McKinsey c
1967-1968, part of crooked network 1990's; Birnbaum &
Birnbaum, law firm, employer, c 2 weeks, c 1988; Bolivian
woman, tenant in my Elmhurst apartment building,
1989-1990; Booraem, Dorothy, 1983-1985, (in Greenwich)
early 1990's ; Bowman, Suzanne, wife of US Navy captain,
VA, 1982, c 1988; Brockunier, Barbara, cousin, Boston,
1982, c 1990-1995; Brockunier, Jane, cousin, Boston and
Cape Cod, spring 1990, 1990's; Brockunier, Nicholas,
cousin, Amtrak employee in 1982, Maryland resident,
hoaxes, knew re theft of my footlocker, 1982, spring
1990-1990's; Brown, Mrs. Wm, Fort Collins, CO, cousin,
1985-1990's; Buchter, Beth (Sis Hibbard), Rosemary Hall
grad 1959, in New Rochelle, NY and a social worker
1982-1990's, spring 1990; Cadwalader Wickersham Taft,
employer, 1985-1986; Caldwell, Capt. Harry H., USN Ret, c
1988-1990's; Caldwell, Harry H. Mrs, 1990's; Cantor &
Berkman, lawyers, employers, 11-12/89; Carey, former Gov
Hugh, 1987, spring 1990; Chase, Ned, Esq., New York, NY,
Chevy Chase's brother, spring 1990; Chin Su Ling, my
landlord, Elmhurst, Chinese immigrant, 1985-1990; Christ
Episcopal Church in Greenwich, c 1990-1995; Clements,
Robert, Chairman Comparative Literature Dept. New York
University, Spring 1983, early 1980's, spring 1990;
Crooked employment agencies and agents in New York City
1984-1990's; Crump, Juliette Taft, classmate class of
1959 Rosemary Hall, 1980's, 2001; Edgerton, Barbara,
Rosemary Hall classmate, resident of VA, spring 1990, c
early 1990's; Edgerton, Malcolm, Esq, at White & Case, c
1990, spring 1990; Edgerton, son of Barbara, resident of
VA, early 1990's; Editor & Publisher, employer, 1985;
Epstein, Ira, Mensa member, 1983, US Post Office employee
at 34th St, 1983-1990's; Essex employment agency, c
1984-1985; Fales, Haliburton, Esq., at White & Case, c
1985-1990's; Feldman, Leslie, Esq, spring 1990, early
1990's; Feurstein, computer encoders in New Jersey and
working for Cadwalader in 1985-1986, employer; Finley
Kumble Wagner, many word processors and some lawyers,
employer, 1987; Foster, Mrs. Thomas "Betty", a president
of Daughters of Cincinnati, c 1984-1990; Freedman,
Gerald, Esq, early 1990's; Georgie Girls, Jamaican
employment agency, 1984-1985; Gleason, Fred, Choate
graduate c 1958, U of Pennsylvania, BA, Wharton student,
with Ladenburg Thalman, investment banker c 1983-1984,
with crooked networks into 1990's; Gluck, Fred, managing
partner of McKinsey, married to Sue Lehmann, 1983-1990;
Goddell, Donald, ITT lawyer, Columbia University LLB, St.
Bartholomew's Community Club member, c 1968-1974; Hansen,
Margaret Ferguson, cousin, in Park Ave. apartment, c
1982-1987; Harper, Helen, Daughters of Cincinnatti
member, 1984, spring 1990; Harper, Mai D, a president of
Daughters of Cincinnatti, spring 1990; Hellman, John,
(former head of Editing Dept. at McKinsey c 1967-1968),
in early 1980's; Hochman, Dick, photographer, c early
1990's; Holle, Mrs., (wife of Maj Gen Charles Holle),
resident of Washington, DC, late 1980's, 1990's;
Horowitz, Seth, Mensa 1983-1984, c1985- spring 1990,
1991; Ilusorio, Erlinda, immigrant from Phillipines,
Columbia University MBA, Allen & Company, investment
banker, c 1986-1990's, spring 1990; In, Rachel, Chinese,
supervisor at Editor & Publisher, 1985; Irishmen, many,
in basement apartment in my apartment building in
Elmhurst, c 1986-1990; Jennings & Grimble, law firm,
employer, c 1 week spring 1990; Johnson, Naomi, employee
at Allen & Company, 1986, spring 1990; Jordan, Ann Marie,
Mrs. Gary, Swedish, 1990's; Jordan, Gary Lynn, BS
Electrical engineering, patent atty, Phd in business, GWU
grad, VA, 1982-1990's, spring 1990; Jordan, Jason, son of
Gary Lynn Jordan, Vassar student, 1985-1989; Jordan,
Vance, student at Hunter College in 1960's, theatrical
agent (Joe Jordan) 1960's-1980's, art dealer at
Jordan-Volpe Gallery, New York, NY, 1982, spring 1990;
Justin, Lydia Stevens, Rosemary Hall, 1959 grad.,
married, never a friend, c 1983-1990's, spring 1990;
Kaye, Mr., employment agency worker, 1984-1985, spring
1990; Kelly Drye Warren, lawyers, employer, c 1 week
1988; Knappen, Aunt Georgianna, N VA, 1980's, 1990's;
Knappen, Nat, Esq., Vassar grad, admitted to New York
State bar, grad of U of Virginia law school, attorney for
collections of debts in New York City, Ithaca, general
practice, 1984-spring 1990; Knappen,Ted, Esq, expelled
from Principia then taken back, graduate of U of Virginia
undergraduate and law school, vice president of Greyhound
in Washington, DC, married to Panamanian, 1982-spring
1990; Koreans with apartments in my apartment building in
Elmhurst, 1989-spring 1990; Kraus, Marianne, (maiden
name) Rosemary Hall classmate, Kraus Books, 1980's,
spring 1990; Kraver & Parker, law firm, employer, 3
months, 1988; Kreuter, Col. Robert, USA Ret, 1920 West
Point grad, classmate of my father, in Santa Monica, CA,
1975-1990's; Kucera, Eugene, Czech, in house near Capital
Hill in Washington, DC, 1990's; Larson, Marion, employee
at Editor & Publisher, 1985; Lehmann, Sue, (former editor
at McKinsey when I worked there), married to Fred Gluck,
1983-1990's, spring 1990; Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman, daughter
of, resident of Washington, DC, early 1990's; Lindsay,
John, former mayor of New York City, spring 1989, early
1990's; Lipscomb, Tom and Christine, met at Daughters of
the Cincinnati, New York City, 1983- spring 1990; Lloyd,
Gail, MA NYU Art History, Daughters of Cincinnati, with
Frick Museum, in art field, 1983-1990's, spring 1990;
Lynch, John J, Queens, NYU PhD comp lit, Eng prof, CUNY,
LaGuardia, 1983-1990; Lynch, Mrs, John Lynch's mother, c
1983-1990; Macidull, John C., Jack, Annapolis grad,
Mensa, FAA, Washington, DC, 1982, 1984, spring 1990;
Macy, Lisa, roommate in my apartment in VA in 1982,
1990's; Maddox, John Davies "Dave", Yale, BA, Harvard
MBA, (advertising in 1970's), 1983, 1990's; Mangiatorde,
Esq., employer, law firm, 1 week 1993; Marble Collegiate
Church, hoax in spring 1990; Martin, Jean Shepard,
cousin, hoax re, 1983, 1987, early 1990's; Mate, Attila,
Hungarian immigrant, prof of math, CUNY, Brooklyn; Mensa,
NYC, malicious liar and schemer, 1983-2002, spring 1990;
McCrareys, Dennis and Eugenia, American Express, 1982,
spring 1990, early 1990's; McGehee, Michael, Choate grad,
private investigator, 1985; McKay, Robt, Esq., at Brown &
Wood; U of VA LLB, spring 1990; McKinsey, New York, NY,
spring 1990, early 1990's; Meyer, Jon, Mensa, New York,
in personnel field, Queens resident, 1983-1990's, spring
1990; Miller, Cy, partner of Erwin Schaeffer, fall 1984,
spring 1990; Moore, John S, Esq., formerly with Sheraton
Hotel, resident of Greenwich, CT, 1980's, early 1990's;
Morgan, Howard, Bard College BA, MBA Harvard, (with Allen
& Company 1986), spring 1990.
Morra, Guiseppe, spring 1990; Negro gangs unidentifed,
hundreds of them in New York City 1982 on, then
everywhere else I went 1982 on; Negro who moved into
apartment above mine in Elmhurst, c 1988-1989; NYNEX
employees; NYPD; O'Connor, Carol, the actor, c 1987-1990;
O'Gorman, Ned, party attender, c 1983, spring 1990
Pakistani newsmen on the corner near my Elmhurst apt,
1985-1990; Paolucci, Robert, Mensa member, partier, c
1983- spring 1990; Parl, Chas., Princeton Univ., BA, MBA
Columbia U.,( Salomon Bros., bonds, 1970's), long time
Bayside resident, parents immigrants, 1982-1990's, spring
1990; Parl, Mrs. Chas, 1982-1990's; Personnel Pool,
employment agency; Peruvians next door to my Elmhurst
apartment, worked for Fedex, c 1985-1990; Phillipines in
several apartments in my Elmhurst apartment building,
1985-1990; Pritchard, Hugh, Mensa member, Univ of
Maryland computer center employee, 1982, 1990's,
Washington, DC area; Prokop, Ruth, Esq, Washington, DC,
lawyer, spring 1990, 1990's; Reed/Read/Reid, John, New
York University MBA, Metropolitan Opera Guild member,
financial analyst at Spencer Trask c 1974, Queens
landlord, NYC, spring 1990; Roblin, Linda (maiden name),
Rosemary Hall classmate, Greenwich, early 1990's;
Rosenfeld, Tab, attorney, Finley Kumble, 1987, spring
1990; Rutherford, lawyer, White & Case, spring 1990;
Samouce, Col. USA Ret, classmate of my father, spring
1990; Samouce, Mrs. James, resident of VA, 1990's;
Sansbury, Ralph, Mensa member, former doctoral candidate
in mathmatics at New York University, partier, 1983-1984,
spring 1990; Savalas, Telly, the actor, Elmhurst, c
1987-1990; Schaeffer, Erwin, Hungarian origin, Canadian
citizen, New York, NY, 1983-1990's, spring 1990; Scholz,
Walter Rosen, actor, producer, New York, NY, 1983-1987,
spring 1990, 19990's; Schwebel, Stephen, President of
International Court of Justice, Hague, c 1990, early
1990's; Shepard, David Allan, Jr,, cousin, son of oil
company executive, 1983; Shepard, Marie, c 1997 Sibley,
Maj Gen Alden, 1983, spring 1990; Sipe, Barbara, (Mrs.
Harry Sipe), resident of VA, c early 1990's; Sipe, Lt.
Cmdr. Harry Sipe, resident of VA, c early 1990's; Slater,
Patrick, Queens resident, banker, retired, loitered near
my Elmhurst apartment, c 1985-spring 1990; Sloan temps,
employment agency, late 1985-early 1986; St Bartholomew's
Church, 1984- spring 1990; St. James Church, Rev Rockwell
Hayes, c 1988- spring 1990; Stoddards, Dudley and Helen,
Daughters of Cincinnati, spring 1990, early 1990's;
Theel, Gunnar, artist, German citizen, NYC, 1983, spring
1990; Virag & Virag, lawyers, Virag, Esq, New York, NY,
employer, 1989, spring 1990, 1990's; Wadmond, Elita and
Wadmond, Lowell, New York City and Palm Beach,
1982-1990's; Walker, John, Esq, lawyer, Simpson T&B, NYC,
11-12 1989; Watson, Thomas, IBM executive, early 1990's;
Watts, Huntington, hoax at Colonial Wars, c1984-1985;
Weist-Barron, TV commercial teachers, Bob Barron, c 1990;
White & Case, New York City office, several attorneys
there, c 1987-1990's; White, Dorset, Manhattan, private
businessman, spring 1990, 1990's; Whitman, Janet, married
to Charles Whitman, c 1982-1990's, Daughters of the
Cincinnatti Christmas Party 1989, spring 1990; Winslow,
Hugh Whitaker, Jr, my brother, 1987-1990's; Withington,
Robin and Frederick, cousins, NYC and Boston, former
consultant with Arthur D. Little, 1987-2002, spring 1990;
Wolsfelt, Vicky, classmate class of 1959 Rosemary Hall,
resident of Gainesville, FL; Zuckerman, Harry and Lily,
Rumanian immigrants, Queens landlords of my apartment in
Briarwood, 1982-1985.
Hoaxes, fraud, impersonations regarding identity
aimed at me began in New York City in the spring of 1968
at a job where I was working, (I did not tell
anyone this nor was it written down; it was probably set
up by my mother's siblings in New York City), then they
occurred in Los Angeles in late 1970's; this pattern
followed me to Virginia area in 1982, to New York City
10/82 on ,and expanded in late 1980's and 1990's into
hundreds of illegal hoaxes. Also, people have gotten
illegally into my files kept in my apartment since the
1960's in New York City; I did not tell anyone this nor
was it written down anywhere; I know who probably did it.
Updated 10/9/02
Updates 10/24/01 8/01 -- Electrocuted in left ear
at a public telephone. Assaulted by a pervert
who had premeditated the crime and was colluding with
county sheriff, local police, local EMS, local hospital,
and local workers near the site of assault. I refuse to
be a sucker for criminal colluders or to identify the
assailant who was probably persuaded by others to do it.
9/01 very severe trip and fall due to a visible
object and lack of sleep. A very severe slip and fall
several days later due to a large greasy patch (probably
deliberately) planted behind some objects in the station
of a well known bus company. End of 10/24/01
By Elizabeth Brady Cabot Winslow, last revised 10/08/2002
12:40 pm